Research Science Institute (RSI) 2010

<p>What are example sub-fields in Math?</p>

<p>^combinatorics, number theory, calculus… (i’m not even a math person, just wildly guessing). </p>

<p>the types of math?</p>

<p>1) course level – this year’s courses only right?
2) what r u guys putting for long range goals! this is the vaguest question by far!</p>

<p>heh…so I was busy freaking out about whether I should apply or not (I know, not good…) and I’ve finally decided that I will apply. Yay! Problem is that the applications are due in a week. I think I can get it done but I haven’t asked for recommendation letters yet. Would it be unreasonable of me to ask my teachers to have a recommendation letter just one week before it’s due?</p>

<p>^ somewhat, but what can you do about it?</p>

<p>be extra nice, and hopefully you know those teachers really well. They might be miffed at having so little time.</p>

<p>can I use the same research field twice?</p>

<p>Right so I am very VERY passionate about sciences and as far as school opportunities are considered…I’ve taken every single one of them. That’s not saying much though because basically everyone applying has. So here are my not-so-very-special stats:</p>

<p>GPA: 4.16 (max in my school is 4.2)
SAT: 2160
PSAT (I was sick when taking it): 204
Math: AP Pre-BC Calculus for Rising Scholars (We finish AB Calc first semester, 4 people were qualified to take it from my school…it’s the top math class available for juniors)
My math teachers LOVE me. I would get excellent recommendations from there.
Sciences: AP Sciences are not available until senior year…I’ve been in honors Physics, Biology, Chemistry
Research Freshman Year: Participated in PJAS and got first place in regionals, second states (toppled over a cup of coffee in the middle of my presentation…most horrible experience of my life)
I know I would get a stellar recommendation from my mentor
Research Junior Year: I’m working on a project which involves biochemistry. I will present it in a local science fair which feeds into ISEF. After looking at projects which have done well in regional and state level science fairs, I am sure it will do well.
Programming: lol I know TI-BASIC. I am also currently learning Java and C++</p>

<p>Should I even bother to apply? Is there even the slightest chance that I could get in…as an alternate even?</p>

<p>Oh and my other ECs:</p>

<p>Founding head of my school debate club
Bharatnatyam (Indian Classical Dance) for 12 years
Honors Jazz band clarinetist and saxophonist (6 years)
Volunteer at NYIGF (New York Internation Gift Show)
Volunteered a lot in hospitals
School does not have ranking but I have consistently been a high honors student (only three other kids have done that and I know I have better stats than two of them)</p>

<p>@Deng: Yeah, you can use the same research field twice</p>

<p>lol you have a chance just like anyone else.</p>

I have the same exact problem… I’m giving a really general background on the subject (4-5 sentences) for both essays. I don’t think they want you to get too specific; just enough so that you can exhibit passion. You might be able to elaborate on your interest in your subfield in the question where it asks about your extracurricular science activities (like if you’ve previously done research in your subfield area, etc).</p>

<p>@ potentum: It’s both. If you’ve taken a course put the completion date. If you are taking a course put the expected completion date.</p>

<p>lol Long Range Goal: The betterment of human kind. I’m making myself sound like a bit of a superhero… :D= (the = sign represents arms…like a flying superhero)</p>

<p>hopeland - I’ve done bharatnatyam too! I quit though when I was 8…have you done your arangetram yet?
its pretty much impossible to chance for RSI since 1) even ppl who get in don’t know how it works and 2) we haven’t read your essays.
unless you’re philip streich/terence tao, there’s no way to be sure about anything.</p>

<p>att159- no, I haven’t done my arangetram yet. It costs soooooo much money and it’s just so much work, especially junior year. My parents say that I can do it next year or maybe during the summer! Can’t wait!</p>

<p>As far as chancing is concerned, I just wanted to make sure that my chances of getting in weren’t a definite 0. I mean, I’ve only completed one extracurricular research project and that too for PJAS (Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science)…which isn’t what I’d call hard to do “well” in. I see I said 1st place by accident…I meant first award. More than one person gets that. In my defense though, it was a pretty awesome project and just totally freaked out during the presentation…forgot my ID card, wrap-around skirt started unwrapping on the bus (death of my life right there), spilled coffee all over a judge, got lost, former friend ripped one of my transparencies. But the research was good.</p>

<p>@ hopeland’s post #232</p>

<p>so if i took a “normal” sci course freshman year, “honors” sci course sophomore year, and am now taking AP bio, i tick all 3 boxes? ^o) <– the confused face on msn. </p>

<p>lol the superman is cute</p>

<p>Wow Terence Tao is a beast.</p>

<p>Where is Question #8?</p>

<p>If anyone has it, please tell me what the question is!</p>

<p>Here is what the application says “Please respond to Questions 3 to 8 on separate paper…” and then the last question for me (#7) says “Briefly describe any past experience with computer programming, modeling, and data analysis.”</p>

my app doesn’t have a question eight, and it says to answer 2-7. It’s probably a remnant of some earlier year.</p>

<p>^ yep (feel my contribution to this thread? :))</p>

<p>I hope someone on this threat makes RSI after all this</p>