<p>Question…should I send a copy of a newspaper article of the research project I’m working on? It was for The New York Times, but it cites my supervising professor even though I’m the one working on the project…</p>
<p>hmm, thats interesting. Is your name cited anywhere in the article, so they know its about you? They’re looking for passion in science, and potential for research, so I don’t know how important a newspaper clipping would be to their process. You can always email them to ask.</p>
<p>Let’s start a list like the one last year’s applicants had :]</p>
<p>CCname (state/country): Primary Field - Subfield, Secondary Field - Subfield</p>
<p>(copy and paste everyone else)</p>
<p>tsubomi1993 (New Jersey/USA): Physics - Mathematical Physics, Environmental Engineering - Carbon Sequestration</p>
<p>another columbia shp applicant- i could totally know you! :)</p>
so I reread the application, and it says that those who don’t conform to requirements will not be considered!
so, will it be a problem if some of my free response answers have 3 paragraphs instead of 1-2? my answers with 4 paragraphs have SHORT paragraphs, and none of them are super long. everything fits on 3 pages total, but the font is 11pt. Times New Roman. </p>
<p>thank you</p>
<p>I seriously doubt that’s an issue</p>
<p>Part IV is a certified copy of the applicant’s high school record thatincludes a transcript of courses, grades, and standardized test scores.</p>
<p>Does this mean it has to be like all official and from your guidance couselor and whatnot? Or can I just get a photocopy of my report cards/psat scores?</p>
<p>engineering: electrical and biology: cellular</p>
<p>^A lot of Columbia SHP people apply to RSI…I learned about RSI from Dr. Blaer sophomore year XD</p>
<p>What class(es) did you take?</p>
<p>alright thanks ndnbe4st. I realize its trivial, but I’d hate to “not be considered” for something like that.</p>
<p>@Pi Face, I asked the college counseling office at my school for a copy of my transcript. This is handy, because it lists ALL your courses through high school, your grades, and your GPA on one sheet. I also asked my college counseling office for copies of the SAT and ACT scores, but people have said on here that photocopying is ok for these…</p>
<p>I photocopied my PSAT paper score report and the AP exam student report, and I printed out the Online Score Report on the College Board website for SAT II scores. </p>
<p>How many recommendations is everyone including? Two of my friends did RSI, and one submitted three recs and one submitted FIVE O.o</p>
<p>5 is a lot >_< Don’t we compete within our areas? generally 1 from every state?</p>
<p>I’m submitting 3.
I hope its not 1 per state…but I have heard that their quote is 1-2 per state…</p>
<p>i have a question-where do we submit any questions we have-i tried the contact us at the cee rsi website-and i had too fill out some stupid form but i havent gotten a reply
does anyone know an email address</p>
<p>also about rec letters-jeez 5 is a lot-did that guy get in?
i think overdoing it is dumb-i mean there is a reason rsi told us to find two teachers-its probably because to make a decision thats enough, but i mean if you have research experience, a mentor is probably fine also</p>
<p>about the quotas-so how extreme do you think this is, i mean do they view this holistically or not, if there are two qualified people from some small state like alaska, will they only pick one, or what
it seems like they should just pick the best students, but idk</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure from what I’ve read its largely regionalized? That’s good and bad I suppose</p>
<p>neurobiology, experiments in genetics, and cytoskeleton (in that order chronologically). And you?</p>
I would fill out the form on the website the first time, because the person in charge (Maite Ballestero I believe) will email you the answer. Then, you can just “reply” to that email if you have more questions. I asked her about 4-5 questions, and that was what I did.
they might be on holiday break right now?</p>
<p>Haha yeah, the 5 rec letter person got in :P</p>
<p>@greenbean12t: nanotechnology and nanoscience, relativity and quantum mechanics, and then particle physics :]</p>
<p>@ greenbean and tsubomi - you have 3 subfields?</p>
<p>^We’re both in this science program where we take classes, and we were just sharing which classes we have taken (they’re not our subfields) ;]</p>