Residence Hall question

<p>Does anyone know if housing is “first come, first serve”? I can’t find any information about that on the UW housing website.</p>

<p>From the Housing website: </p>

<p>Academic Year Assignments
The academic year assignment process begins in May and concludes with assignment information being emailed out in early June prior to the beginning of SOAR. UW-Madison has a rolling admissions process, and in order to be fair to all students, we use a random, computerized priority list for room assignments. No matter how early you were admitted to the University, it is possible that you could appear at the beginning or end of the random priority list. Computer processes however can only do so much; our Assignment Office staff value the importance of providing a personal touch to the room assignment process to try to come up with the best possible assignments for students while maintaining the integrity and fairness of the process.</p>

<p>NOT first come… There is the May housing lottery to determine who gets their first choice.</p>

<p>Yep, fill out your preferences now, but feel free to mess with them at any point until May, at which point everyone is entered into a lottery and has an equal shot. As long as you submit your housing contract before the date on the contract (varies according to when they send it out), you’re good.</p>

<p>Does anyone who lived in sellery have any info about the Entrepreneurial Residential Learning Community located on the second floor (or just heard of it)? Like what type of kids live there or if the atmosphere is similar or totally different from the rest of the sellery dorm. Also, is there much interaction between floors, or do these kids normally just hang with other kids in the learning community. I am looking to definitely take advantage all the great academic resources at Madison but I also want to have fun and meet a variety of people. Any info would be great! Thanks :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the help everybody! :)</p>

<p>I would put Ogg as your first choice. I’m a freshman this year and I live there. I heard a lot of things about it before I moved in, like : Its not social/There are a lot of upperclassmen/Its hard to meet people…ect. Not true. Yes, there are sophomores and some juniors. I have yet to meet any seniors living there, unless you count R.A.s Anyway, I think it just depends on who you’re living with. My house is very social. Everyone gets along (for the most part) and everyone has made great friends. There are some houses that don’t talk that much, but if you make an effort, you’ll be fine. The first week of school, our R.A. encouraged us to keep our doors open and meet people and that’s just what I did. There is a lot of partying on the weekends, but its not really in the dorms, so you don’t have to worry about it being loud. People do pregame in their rooms, but they’re usually out by 10 or 11pm. We have quiet hours starting at 10 every night, but nothing really happens with that. You just can’t have your door open (which most people don’t anyway since they’re drinking) Everyone is very studious and the main den is a great place to hang out and do homework. I end up at the library a lot because sometimes its hard to get things done when your friends are around. Its so nice to come home after a night out to a big, clean dorm though. I visited Sellery once and I am so glad I don’t live there. I don’t think I could manage. It was so cramped. I love my walk in closet :)</p>

<p>How and where do you submit your housing contract? I got in mid-november, still havent received a contract in the mail.</p>

<p>My understanding is that nothing comes in the mail. You need to go into MyUW Student Center via the Wisc. website. You can review the multiple pages of terms, etc. You need to pay a small deposit, select your dorm preferences, etc. by the date indicated (varies based on admissions date). I was admitted 1/2/12, and have until March 1st to sign the Housing contract. I just received a US mailer from Housing with a checklist of all the necessary steps for Housing. As I recall, you can change dorm preferences, add a roommmate, etc. up until May 1st.</p>

<p>did you have to accept your offer of admission?</p>

<p>wisconsinnyc: You do not have to accept your admission to enter in the housing contract with UW. You do, however, have to place a $50 deposit to enter into the housing contract and if in the future you do not decide to attend UW, the $50 is fully refundable.</p>

<p>Also, once you sign the contract you can’t get out of it unless you do not attend UW- you need to inform them in writing separately if this is the case (just letting the university know will not work, they are somewhat independent of each other).</p>

<p>I have read all the replies in this thread about Barnard, however people have told me that for incoming freshman, it would be preferable to look elsewhere. I was wondering what it’s like for incoming freshman? I hear it’s not as open as places like Chad where there are lounges on every floor.</p>