Residency comes next

<p>Sorry I meant good luck.</p>

<p>The best wishes on coming soon event!
We are trying not to think about it yet. The place will be important for D. but not as much as just to match somewhere. Still no idea about number of programs to apply, she will have to be more clear about it in 6 months or so. </p>

<p>Is there something coming out tomorrow (notification whether there is a match)? Good luck.</p>

<p>No, that comes out Monday at noon.</p>

<p>I still have the email D forwarded to us, exactly two years ago. We were so happy for her. It came from NRMP Staff the Monday before Match Day at 10:55 A.M. It was short and sweet ā€“ so sweet!</p>

<p>"Subject: Did I Match?</p>

<p>Congratulations! You have matched.</p>

<p>Check the Match Site at [website] on Friday, March 16, 2012, at 1:00 PM eastern time to find out where you matched. Because you are matched, you are not eligible to participate in SOAP and you will not have access to the List of Unfilled Programs.</p>

<p>NRMP Staff"</p>

<p>Sending good wishes! Iā€™m so excited for all of you. Hoping and praying you all get the good news youā€™re hoping for. Iā€™m buying a round on Match Day. I believe Iā€™m scheduled for round fourā€¦ </p>

<p>Soon-to-be son-in-law (in about a week and a half) is going through match for the second time. He is in the latter part of his intern year for surgery and wants to switch to anesthesia, as well as move back to the area where his (almost) wife is currently living. We thought last yearā€™s match was stressful. This yearā€¦.so much more. Monday starts the week of their wedding AND reveals if he matched or not. Prayers and best wishes for all!</p>

<p>ā€œNo, that comes out Monday at noon.ā€</p>

<p>Isnā€™t it in two phases, one saying you matched and the next saying where?</p>

<p>What are the two specific dates? Sounds like the first one is on 19th?</p>

<p>Yes, two specific events happen.</p>

<p>On the monday of match week (this year, itā€™s March 17th), you get an email telling you whether or not you matched somewhere but it does not say where or what specialty.</p>

<p>If you didnā€™t match, you now have the option of doing SOAP to try and secure a spot by the actual match day on friday.</p>

<p>Friday of match week (this year, itā€™s March 21st) you find out exactly what program/specialty you match to. Schools do all sorts of different things for giving out the letters, and then later in the day NRMP allows you to access your letter digitally (so this way in case the school loses it or something you still have access to it)</p>

<p>The D really likes most of the programs on her list. The odds are in her favor (as they are for everyone) that she will find out on Monday that she matched and find out on Friday that she will be going to a program that she has designated as either great or very satisfactory. The bottom of her list would be a little disappointing but she would deal. I can tell that next week canā€™t come soon enough. Unsettled times are stressful times. </p>

<p>Best wishes to everyone going through this.</p>


<a href=ā€œā€>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>While you wait for Match Day, I have a question for those experienced in the whole residency thing. An acquaintance (whose son is a relatively new pediatrician) told me that he knew where he had matched long before THE day because the hospital made a ā€˜dealā€™ with him at the conclusion of his rotation with them, saying basically ā€œweā€™ll put you as our number one if youā€™ll put us as your number oneā€. Is this scenario possible? How often does it happen? Best wishes to all those waiting for this important news! </p>

<p>This was a common practice at my medical school for the competitive specialties. I donā€™t believe we were the only ones. But it comes with some risks. You truly have to believe that both parties will in fact follow through.</p>

<p>Sending good thoughts for all CCers and their families to get match letters tomorrow, and their first choice matches later this week.</p>

<p>IWBB - stop scaring parents! I canā€™t believe you put up that clip!</p>

<p>One of the parents whose kid got into the number 1 IM program in the nation mentioned that the number 2 program director called and questioned his kid 30 minutes after the results came out asking why the kid did not rate them number 1 while they rated him number 1! The kid did rate them number 2 though!</p>

<p>May all the emails tomorrow begin with 'Congratulations!'
Iā€™m looking forward to a lot of good news this week. B-)
Wishing you all the best! </p>

<p>Wish all of you the best tomorrow!</p>

<p>I have a question.
My Future Son in Law (as in, 5 days from now!!!) is finishing up his intern year in surgery. He applied to only one program for anesthesiology (endearingly called a ā€œsuicideā€ match) because he (a) wants to change fields and, (b) would like to live in the same city as his new wife. </p>

<p>Anesthesiology requires a preliminary year (I think that is what itā€™s called), and the program to which he is applying only has 4 prelim spots, but (I think) 15 over all slots. The intern year of his current residency (General surgery) WILL fulfill those requirements, so we kind of figure they wonā€™t offer him one of the few prelim spots they have. They KNOW he will come, so why should they do that?</p>

<p>Hereā€™s my question: if he gets the anesthesia spot but not the prelim one, will he get TWO e-mails todayā€”one saying he matched to anesthesia and the other inviting him into SOAP to find a prelim spot (even though he will have already completed that requirement)? </p>

<p>Hoping all of our posters/families have heard good news.</p>

<p>Matched, now waiting for Friday to know where & when. </p>

<p>DH has predicted a she will end up in a certain place for 2 years, we shall see if he is correct or not!</p>

<p>congrats somemom!</p>