Residency comes next

There is often a dinner or get together with the current residents in a program the night before. For the most part D enjoyed them if/when she got into town early enough.

Yes, most programs put on a dinner of sorts & they are a good way to get a more casual impression of the program, but one should still be on their best behavior. DD has organized many of the dinners for her program this year, interesting to hear about it from the other side. She had negative impressions of some programs where few residents showed up, then this winter she was on an off service rotation, surgical so tremendously long long days, no way she could have ducked out to go to a dinner, she was lucky to get home before she fell asleep.

Kid is done as of last week. Letters out to the PD’s of her top choices. Rank list switched at the top. Response back from one of her top programs was very positive. I think she’ll be ok. Now it’s time to rank 5-11 just in case. Plan is to have housing in place by 5/1. Graduate 5/19, marry 5/23. Honeymoon till orientation. Almost literally. I can see the end.

My big news? No FAFSA!!! Thank God Almighty, I’m Free at Last!

You are dropping the most interesting news as an after thought Curm!

Congratulations on that huge pending bill!

“I heard the residency program would feed them the day before the interview”
-Sometime dinner is MANDATORY. D. is flying to the one right now that has mandatory dinner attendance.
Thank goodness, she is not coming from another interview. She missed one dinner because of flying from another interview and was late to another for the same reason.
Since, they form a group that seem to be going to the same interviews, few times they went to the “after” dinner on their own (if flight schedule allowed). And one of them invited D. to stay with her (saving on the hotel room). She even met some of them at her interviews in our state. This development was completely un-predicted (as well as the most of the residency application cycle, actually)
D. has 3 more to go, one is tomorrow.

our big news, the last payment, i believe is done. D. will be on her own after she starts residency (hopefully, 2 more months to see !!!). I also hope that cruel reality of living within budget is not too much.

I am brand new to this board, finding you all because my boy sent me email updates on his interview process and notes on how his list is being made and when his ranks keep changing, I became curious, about the process of the match. I am learning a bunch from reading this thread and relieved I am not on this sideline alone.
oops had to edit my grammar from in to on

I agree with Curm, the first year of no FAFSA was quite a landmark, I think we did our first one for the 2000 tax year! They definitely got a lot easier over the years.

<grumble, grumble=""></grumble,>

No more FAFSA /tuition payments for one kid; three more years to go on the other

D1 hasn’t submitted her rank list yet. She wants to sleep on her rankings for a few days and talk to one more advisor. Got lots of love from her top 5. In fact, she has one program she’s afraid to rank too high on her list because that program’s ranking of her will override her preferences. (They love her more than she loves them.) It’s weird position to be in.

Now the long wait until March 20th begins!

^How they know how they are being ranked? D. has no idea. She received nothing from anybody.

8 years of FASFA did not bothered my H. He keep saying that it is just filling in the blanks, just like tax return. I do not know myself, just his reaction. .

It is interesting to see some programs have already announced. Someone called this morning to say they got into Urology and mentioned that Ophthalmology came out last week.

Texaspg, those two do not participate in the general match, they do their own special earlier match

Wowmom. 'Splain that to me. :eek2: I just about pooped myself.

@curmudgeon‌ Congrats and best wishes to Mudgette!

My D has a situation that several of her high ranked program PD’s showed her more love than her #1. The situation presented by WOWmom could very well happen. But it seems counter-intuitive to artificially lower the rank of those schools.

There will be inevitable calls from those showing lots of love about why the future resident didn’t love them back equally when they find out they matched elsewhere. Some I know have gotten such calls. :smiley:

". Someone called this morning to say they got into Urology and mentioned that Ophthalmology came out last week. "
-D. said that Urology, Ophthalmology and Military have matched already.

D. said that she is going to rank her programs based solely on how she feels about them without any consideration for difficulty of getting into them. While she still has 3 more interviews (one is today), she (and we) do not believe that her #1 and the last 2 will change. The rest will be not as clear cut as these 3. However, she said that ranking of Prelims are more important, because her personal ranking of her specialty will probably play a secondary role in matching.

However, no programs showed any love, I do not know even what it is.

She is back to rotations on Monday. Will do couple of interviews during her rotation.

According to all the official information, the student’s match list is supposed to take precedence over the PDs match list. So if Mudgette ranks XYZ program #2 and her #1 ranked program has any room for her, she will get her #1 ranked choice, even if #1 has ranked her 12 out of 12 available spots and #2 has ranked her their first choice.

Are ya’ll hearing different?

^Yes, I heard opposite from D. unless I misunderstood her. I heard (may be incorrect) that student rank is secondary. I hope that you, somemom, are correct though, I would love you to be correct. However, matching to ANY program will make my D. happy.