Residency comes next

Well, kat, maybe she’ll mail me live lobsters for my birthday.

And I do still have one kidlet in town.

I still get teary eyed when watching Match Day videos. My D’s good friend and her fiancé (they are getting married in a month!) got their first choice and are staying in town. She will be an Ob-gyn and he a pediatrician. She pitches, he catches, I guess. :slight_smile:

Congrats everyone!!! We just had a great reception (Champagne and all !!!) I did not have to wait too long because I was the third name to be called!! I got my first choice and I am thrilled. And I will add that the “personalized love letters” turned out to be true!!..My parents are already looking for an apartment for me!! lol

aww, congrats!!

My kid got her #1.

WTH? My long post got truncated. lol Duke. Mom not happy. Kid thrilled. Dad proud.

What say Kristen and the rest? Go WowKid!

That’s great, Curmudgeon!

Congrats to Curm’s D. Why mom no happy?

When are our wedding invitations coming?

Congrats to everyone! Waiting for Kristen to chime in.

MORNING! Sorry for the delay :slight_smile: I was busy partying yesterday!

We’re moving to Kansas City (our #2) and just beyond excited about it! The assoc PD who interviewed me called yesterday to congratulate me, welcome me to their program, and tell me how thrilled he was to see my name on their list–it was a fun conversation. How small is this world–a girl I went to (a small private) high school with is in my intern class! The emails are rolling in, the facebook friend requests have started, our match day pics have 200+ likes, and there was an open bar at our “roast” last night. Today the weather’s beautiful and we’re headed to a local winery up on a bluff to celebrate and relax.

So happy to hear how well things have worked out for some of my long time CC pals. You guys never cease to amaze me! Congratulations to all the new residents :slight_smile:

Congrats Kristin.

So when are our wedding invitations coming to us?

Woohoo. Couple’s match and getting your #2 sounds pretty awesome to me!!!

Mom cried because kid ain’t never coming home. 1300 miles ain’t quite drivable. Reality sucks. She was holding out hope #1 and 2 would reject her.

And she was open about it. lol

I haven’t posted in years but check in on this thread from time to time. Nice to “see” so many familiar faces. hard to believe we met when kids were in high school agonizing over college choices and now here we are… Graduating from med school. Congrats to everyone for making it through this long journey and mostly, for accomplishing goals set so many years ago!

Anyway, DS matched to his first choice. Girlfriend matched there too so I expect girlfriend will one day soon become fiancée. Bad news is that DS will be moving a few states away but they do plan on moving back to this area when residency is over. I’m real happy for both of them.

Congrats to curm’s D, WowM’s D, MyOpinion, kristen, mom2boys’s S.

It is so great to read all of the good news. Congratulations to you all!

Congrats to the new residents!!. Applause all around.

Congrats everyone!!

Congrats to all!! So Curm, your daughter will be a neighbor! When you visit I can tell yall where all the great bbq is at! GOOOO DOOOOKE! Son would kill me if he knew I just said that!!

What fun and what a long road. Wow.

Mine will do his next year. Maybe.



OoooH. Hadn’t thought of Carolina BBQ!! She knows Texas and Memphis. Time to go Carolina!!