Residency comes next

Thanks, Kat!
Friday is a secondary concern though. Everybody has prefences, but D. said she would be happy and honored to go to her lowest ranked program.

We both matched!! It’s his birthday today too, haha. We’ve had 200+ people “like” our Facebook statuses about it :slight_smile: So excited for the doctor jobs awaiting us!

Congratulations to everyone else as well :slight_smile:

Congrats to everybody here who or whose D/S has matched.

Congratulations to you all!

Congrats to you all and your offspring/Significant Others et al. It must be a great feeling to breathe now.

Gosh, why do they not share the match location at the same time? Yikes.

Because unmatched applicants are busy SOAPing this week to find a position.

By Friday all available residency positions will have been filled and everyone gets their locations at the same time. (Reduces the stigma of not matching during the main match.)

Congrats!! Mine matched, too. Friday is big only for her. She’ll get a good spot.

Congrats to everyone!

Thanks WOWM for the explanation!.

Whoa, folks! This is getting real. D1 just emailed me all her graduation information. She has until Friday to order her graduation gown, hood and cap.

Congrats everyone! Matched here also!! My parents are coming to Match Day and I am thrilled about it. I received a few personal “love letters”, emails and even a phone call after interviewing at a couple of programs. One from my top choice, although I would really be happy with any of them. I will admit I am a little anxious now to find out if those letters meant anything!! 48 hours to go!

" She has until Friday to order her graduation gown, hood and cap. "

  • Yep, fitting is right before Matching ceremony on Friday for my D. They rent gown, way too expensive. We all are going with her so that we do not get lost looking for the place for Match. She said the parking is complicated and it is very easy to get lost.
    Is she going to be “moving or not moving”, that is the question. With all those interviews at unexpected “random” places, who knows? She is ready to go anywhere although has not lived outside of our state.
    Anyway, congrats to everybody and wishing to get the desired spot!

…and there were NO “personal “love letters”, emails or phone calls after interviewing”, so having no idea…

Congratulations everyone.

Yale SOM Class of 2015 Match parody.

D1 matched at a top Ivy.

A bit sad because she’ll be in New England and so far away, but happy for her because it give her great opportunities.


So your D will now be @WayOutEastGirl?
Congrats, she must be thrilled.

I am so very happy for her and you Wowmom. I am there with you about her being so far away. It was hard for me when the kiddos went so far for undergrad. When son ended up local for med school there was me doing the happy dance. I am not looking forward to another far, far away child. So I really get how you must feel. OK, now I am blubbering again, for you and your baby girl.


@WowMom, Congrats to WowMom and WowGirl :slight_smile:

Congrats to woweastbynortheastgirl.