Residency comes next

Yes. I think many students from DS’s school move northeast to that city every graduating class.

And so it goes. So happy for you, Kristin. Your young man did very very well. Congratulations to you both. And as far as the house hunting, I am sure encouraging mine to wait a year to buy and six months to start looking.

Curm she can’t go wrong buying here in Carolina!! The housing bubble/lose money like crazy didn’t really hit our area at all. Durham can be iffy, some great and fantastic locations and some places that are sketch. Food truck rodeo on Saturdays, to die for…

Watch Dooook tonight??? You will be back in basketball HEAVEN here the triangle. Between State, Carolina and Duke it is basketball nirvana!!! ALL THE TIME! Football season isn’t too shabby either and baseball and soccer…


Congrats on the new matches! Nice to see the same faces are still here

Thanks, norcalguy! How are you? Have not “seen” you here for awhile!

It’s been great. Very happy with my decisions to become a physician and a radiologist.

I’m currently on a mini-vacation to work on research and prepare my fellowship application. The rat race never ends. I’m applying this summer and going through the usual humdrums yet again (writing personal statement, updating CV, asking for LOR’s, etc.).

My program allows for moonlighting. So between work, call, moonlighting, research, and applications, I’m keeping plenty busy.

@norcalguy, Thanks for dropping by. It is nice to hear from you again.

Good liuck with the fellowship application, norcalguy!
D. may decide on feloowship, but she has 4 years to think more about it. As of now the one that she is thinking about is not a competitive one.

My kid rented herself a house in Durham. Not a bad price compared to New Haven rents. Fairly close to restaurants and bars. lol Like she’ll have time to go to either. Things are just finestkind. I think that just about does it. She’s set. :wink:

Good going, curm.
Mine does not have to move, she has been renting a house. Since there is no much to do now, she is in full mode of financially disconnecting herself from us. Not set yet, but July 1 is close enough and then she is on her own (or so we hope!)

Sounds great Curm!! Basketball season just ended but it’s still all about Coach K on campus right now. The baseball stadium for the bulls has been recently renovated and tickets are reasonable. Yesterday and today are Carolina blue days, 73 and no clouds in the sky, low humidity. Gorgeous. She will love it here!!!


And now for the really scary part about of starting residency and graduating from med school—choosing a loan repayment plan.

D1 just called so we could chat about loan consolidation and which loan repayment plan looks best for her career plans.

This is the kind of stuff no one ever talks about.


WayOutWestMom - I’ll talk about it. :} D is currently doing Income-Based Repayment. It has been quite painless for her during her residency, which will conclude this summer. She has a great job she will begin after residency and plans to pay off all her loans as quickly as possible. She thinks they can do it in two years. I just smile and nod. We’ll see.

Thanks for the reassurance.

I think D1 picked Income Contingent Repayment. She said it had the shortest payback period of all the non-standard options.

She fortunate that her residency program allows (and actually encourages) moonlighting after intern year so she’s planning on picking up extra shifts at one of the program’s hospitals and dedicating those earnings towards additional loan payments. Like you said, we’ll see….

We just hope that D. just “survives” on her income. Based on her expense history, it will be close. She is making a spreadsheet for her expenses.

As to Income-Based Repayment (IBR): S is likewise doing IBR and so far it’s been quite manageable.

As to moonlighting: extra cash is great, paying down debt even better, but needs to watch out for burnout.

Our boy is doing the public service loan forgiveness option, he had a meeting with mentors and financial advisers back in March on his choices.
I believe, he told me then, he was combining it with an income-driven plans to shorten the period of time. Could that be right?
He has 6 years by the time he finishes a fellowship. His brother used govt. public service to forgive his loans, so I am not surprised at his determination.
He liked the idea of being able to secure work via moonlighting, too.

Thanks for the need to be on the look out/ remind him of burnout.
He got a dose of that reality, when he was out west doing interviews, a doctor had jumped to his death in CA. That to me is the stuff no one wants to mention.

PSLF is 120 monthly scheduled payments based on your income, recalculated each year. There is no accelerated PSLF that I have heard of. If he is doing PSLF, then financially there is no reason to pay anything beyond the scheduled payments. So moonlight, but invest the earnings in case he later decides to accelerate payments!

^ PSLF is separate from the loan repayment plan you select (e.g. standard, IBR, ICR, PAYE). The payment plans have their own forgiveness clauses separate from PSLF. Each graduate must do a lot of soul searching and number crunching before they decide which payment plan is best and if PSLF is right for them. IFAIK, no one has yet qualified for PSLF and won’t until at least 2017.

And PSLF may not be available in the future. Or the amount forgiven may be severely curtailed.

The 2015 budget now before Congress includes a cap of the amount of PSLF. The cap would be equal to “aggregate loan limit for independent undergraduate students,” or $57,500.

It’s not clear whether there will be any “grandfathering” allowed.