Residency comes next

This is getting real, folks.

D2 sat down with the Dean yesterday to review her MSPE. She sat down with her specialty chair the day before to review her PS for her residency application. Tomorrow the school holds its ERAS workshop. (Mandatory for all MS4s. One nice touch–the school brings in a professional photographer to take headshots of everyone for their ERAS application.)

Btw, D2 won the clerkship award–which goes to the student with the highest grades and professional evaluations–in 2 different specialties. Looks like D2 is in the running for class valedictorian.

Such an amazing kid! I am so proud of her!

I know of FMGs from east coast traveling to Houston to take the test. From what I understood, the failure rate for FMGs is much higher in other centers compared to Houston.

4th year (or 8th depending on how you’re counting) starts tomorrow! Personal statement close to done, ERAS mostly filled out. Officially declared internally what specialty I’m applying to - can’t believe this year is here!!!

Wow, congratulations @iwannabe_Brown, what a long haul it has been to this point!

Congrats! IWBB, I don’t understand why you have to “apply” a specialty, now? I thought you have completed 7GY, only one year to go or I am missing some thing.

IWBB is a MS4.

MS4s apply for a specialty in the late summer (mid-September is when apps get transmitted to programs) of MS4. MS4s are on the residency interview circuit from October to January.

On the one hand, 4th year (or 8th depending on how you’re counting) starts tomorrow, so yes a long time; but on the other hand, at least you may be able to see the light of the finish line. Congrats IWBB. Good luck with interviews.

Like applying for MD, residency apps are rolling and programs can start viewing apps on 9/15. I’ve seen on SDN that in my specialty, I could start getting interview invites on 9/16 so for all intents and purposes the deadline is 9/15 and anything after that is late.

This is clinical years, so summer vacation was only 1 week.

@iwannabe_Brown Congratulations! What do you plan to do or is it a secret?

I don’t think he wants to be identified by name. With Brown MS4 and a competitive specialty, its too easy to be searched.

Maybe I’ll tell you post match

I didn’t think he was at Brown! He has been stating his current location is under an undisclosed bunker. :smiley:

Just got back from the White Coat ceremony at Ds’ school. My 3rd go-round. (Twice as a parent to a new MS1.) D2 was one of 3 featured speakers (and only med student) at the ceremony. I met 3 of her mentors/preceptors/advisors, including the Dean who is writing D2’s Dean’s Letter. Every one of them had wonderful things to say to me about what a caring & impactful doctor D2 is going to make and how much they will miss her when she graduates.

It was very reassuring to hear so many Deans speak of D2 in such glowing terms, knowing they appreciate her for the dedicated and unique individual she is.

Congratulations. With such a high stats D, I am sure she will have her choices of residencies and fellowships.

Fellowship applications, my goodness this never ends!

Parental bragging alert.

D2 was just awarded the largest merit scholarship at the SOM. Scholarship is based on academics, scholarship and service.

I am so freaking proud of this kid. She has overcome such hardships to achieve excellence.

Woohoo!! Congrats to @WayOutWestMom, and of course her brilliant daughter!

Congratulations @WayOutWestMom . What an amazing daughter you have.

Awesome!!! What a nice surprise!!!

Hello everyone! It has been a few years since I visited and because I am going now through the fellowship application process the site came to mind. So far, I have received interviews to all the programs I applied to and I am in the process of planning trips, etc. Exciting times! I am interested in an academic career and - as usual, the top programs in the specialty are extremely competitive. Briefly touching upon the eternal debate of school reputation, I have no doubt my “academic pedigree” has been invaluable in landing me the interviews I have gotten… and my program director agrees.

I wanted to comment on a quote from IWBB that caught my eye: “Given that EM is the only specialty that requires a SLOE (Standardized Letter of Evaluation - pronounced like the word “slow”) and no one else seems to have jumped on that train - I have a feeling this won’t gain traction either. I bet every program thinks it has some special formula for finding the best residents and thus wouldn’t bother with this”

I happen to be very familiar with the work the ACGME is doing ( Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education) and you can count on this to be the future across specialties. There is a big push to reduce variations on the quality of training, and professional behaviors (professionalism) and interpersonal and communication skills are closely being looked at as factors that impact the quality of healthcare. It is not really uncommon to have residents drop out of programs due to these issues and reducing this attrition rate is also key to program directors.

I personally know of five classmates from one of the top medical schools in the country that dropped out of residencies like orthopedics, OB/GYN and EM and switched to other specialties after their second year or gave up medicine altogether. I have also participated in discussions where directors “wonder” how some medical students are still getting through their rotations and I can sense a cautious reluctance to discuss these situations because of the time and money medical students and residents have already invested in their careers.

Remember, the big push now in healthcare is to improve quality and transparency. Clearly, this all starts with medical education.