Residency comes next

Hopefully this is not a Doubletree - it is their norm and nothing special.

My kids were quite attached to them when they were young and so we bought a tin one time when checking out.

8 interviews down, 5 to go. Favorites are emerging. Some surprises; some not.

And the courting has begun in earnest with lots and lots of love notes.

D2 cancelled a couple of interviews scheduled for December at low priority programs because she is getting tired of all the traveling. (Plus all those airline tickets, car rentals, hotels, Uber rides are all starting to add up to $$$$.)

@texaspgā€“not a Doubletree.

6 interviews down, 9 to go. My D also had to cancel about 4 interviews because of travel logistics and date conflicts.

@wayoutwestmom - we signed up to host kids from Dā€™s med school. One was supposed to come next week and cancelled saying priorities changed based on something that opened up next month!


Not surprised. Lots of swapping around of interview slots happening toward the end interview season.

Rank lists are due Jan 15.

D2 has one interview left in the first week of January.

Only for the early matches (optho and urology - guess weā€™ve narrowed down Dā€™s specialty to one of two things, lol) for everyone else, thatā€™s when the NRMP R3 system opens. Rank lists due Feb 22nd.

Iā€™m all done with interviews! Pretty sure I know which is going to be #1 but thereā€™s a chance it could change. I might do a couple 2nd looks in mid to late January.

@iwannabe_Brown - when do the optho results come out? I know someone who is done with the interviews but sill working through the preliminary year interviews.

Ophtho is via the San Francisco Match. Ophtho releases results on Jan 12.

Urology match releases results on Jan 18.

Applicants for both still need to go thru the NRMP match for their prelim/transitional year.

(And, no D2 isnā€™t going into either uro or ophtho. Sheā€™s going into a moderately competitive specialty-- that is not IM-- and is planning on subspecializing.)

@texaspg yeah, and our school puts a lot of energy into telling people to take their prelim interviews seriously. We have had kids match into PGY-2 positions for uro and optho and then have to scramble/SOAP into a prelim spot because they didnā€™t take the prelim process seriously enough.

Do parents attend Match Day?

Yes, W and I had a great time. The video of Sā€™s smile as he opened and read match letter is simply priceless. Lots of cheers from other families/students. Some sobs from students who didnā€™t match where they hoped. Overall Iā€™d highly recommend you/spouse attend.

School dependent.

At D1ā€™s school, students are allowed to bring 1 guest to the ceremony. While parents arenā€™t specifically excluded, usually there are very few (or none) at the brunch. Mostly spouses/partners/best friends. Partly because itā€™s a very emotional day with crushing disappointments for those who donā€™t match to their expected location or specialty; partly because the Match ceremony is very informal, a catered sit down brunch with mimosas and other adult beverages that morphs into a hours party with music and dancing afterwards. (Think more wedding reception and less commencement processional.)

D1 described it as a ā€œstrong men weeping quietly in the corners and happy students literally dancing on tabletopsā€

That would be such a bummer if we couldnā€™t attend! We are so excited for March and to see where DD will be spending her next chunk of years. The school sponsors a beer/pizza event that traditionally morphs into a bar crawl. I rented an Airbnb and my kids friends parents are staying with us. We will host some kind of get together at the house on St. Patricks day. So looking forward to sharing this time with my daughter.

At my D and then future SILā€™s Match day, parents were of course welcome, but not ā€œencouragedā€ by their kids. I would have spent north of $800 to go there, only to wave goodbye as they all left for an extensive bar crawl. I took her advice and stayed home across the country and watched it on live stream. I donā€™t feel I missed out on the moment, plus nobody had to witness my ugly cry when they matched to their #1.

Parents are commonplace at my school but I personally have both pre and post noon plans such that like cottontales, if my parents came, they would spend hundreds of dollars and hours traveling for 1 hour with me. Iā€™m just going to call them on 3/16 and theyā€™ll only be coming for graduation.

Did I mention the chartered party bus for downtown bar crawl for the the after-Match party party?

I didnā€™t attend D1ā€™s Match ceremony. But she did text me her results as soon as she got back to her seat. I wonā€™t be attending D2ā€™s Match in March. (Sheā€™ll be taking her BF who will be relocating with her for residency.) But sheā€™ll text me and her sister once she opens her envelope. And you know what? Iā€™m OK with their choice in both instances. Match is really for the students. Itā€™s their day and if they want to share it & celebrate it with their classmates who have walked beside them on this 4 year long journey-- Iā€™m really perfectly fine with that.

And very exciting news! Because D1 has been a ā€œgood team playerā€ (i.e.volunteered to work every holiday for the past 2 years AND rescheduled her wedding when it turned out 3 residents in her department all were getting married the same week), her chief gave her 3 (4?) days off so she could attend D2ā€™s graduation. D1 will be here for the ceremony and will be hooding her sister.

Havenā€™t posted in a while, but wanted to check in. Itā€™s almost over for D. She still has a few more prelim interviews but residency is finalized. (WooHoo!) 21 invites; attended 16. Matched on 1/11! She finds out on 3/16 where sheā€™ll be for her intern year (16 invites; will attend all). All is good. Itā€™s been a long process, and weā€™re excited for this new phase to begin.

Congrats @jc40. Optho?

So. Many. Love. Notes.

ā€“even from programs that purportedly donā€™t send love notes. (Not that that actually means anythingā€¦)

@texaspg since urology was 1/18, it has to be optho which released to programs and schools on 1/11 and applicants on 1/12 (guess there were some loose lips at the school if @jc40ā€™s D knew on 1/11). That 8 day turnaround from rank list deadline to match sure sounds nice right about now although 3/16 is rapidly approaching. It blows my mind that the actual algorithm only takes ~17 seconds and the rest of the 3 weeks is literally just verification + snail mailing match results to the schools.