Residency comes next

I’m glad they double check the computer results. I hope they also send emails to the schools to back up the snail mail.

and they upload it to the website so you can see it there at 1pm. I remember when my original class was matching in 2014, someone discovered you could see the name of the program you matched to starting on Monday if you looked at the source code. They took the site down Tuesday and had it back up and fixed by that afternoon. It was crazy.

Looking it up would take the fun and suspense out of it!

Having just certified my rank list I would look early if I could. Just want to know and be done.

I think Match Day was my favorite day of med school. But I got one of my top choices (actually #3 on my list) and left absolutely thrilled. I was actually going to be pretty happy with any of the places I ranked except for my last choice, so I was also pretty relaxed. But the waiting for the day is awful. I felt it was akin of being able to look through the keyhole of a locked door…you have an idea of what’s on the other side, but can’t make out all the details. I totally would have been one to look for early information leading up to Match week…probably less so the actual week of though.

Match Day for fellowship on the other hand…that was a bundle of nerves, only made worse by having to work in the NICU (and we rounded super late so I was stuck with an extremely annoying intern asking me every 15 minutes if I was nervous waiting for the website to open). I had one program I really wanted and felt good about, and the rest of the programs I had struggled to separate out and so was less comfortable about falling down my list.

It’s getting real…

Had dinner with D2 and her BF Friday. D2 was asking about how mortgages work, whether she might qualify for one and discussing the pluses/minuses of buying a house/condo as a resident.

House is certainly a possibility, my former tenants who is an EM doctor in a major hospital. He owes over $500K between college and a Caribbean med school, was still able to buy a house closed to $1M in CA, that is the lowest priced house in San Mateo, condo is lower, of course.

~4.5hrs until ROL closes. Went on just to get one last look to make sure the list was what I thought it was and the site was palpably slower. My school strongly advised everyone to certify before COB to avoid any chance of being unable to rank in case the site went down or something.

D2 finalized & submitted her ROL list last week because she left Sunday to start an international medical rotation and internet access can be iffy where she is. (HINT–it’s someplace warm & tropical.)

She’s trying hard to ignore the Match right now and won’t get back until very, very, early in the morning on March 16. (Talk about cutting it close!)

Good luck to you and yours ^^^^^!!! Match Day will be here very soon and a whole new roller coaster ride starts…one that does not allow sleeping!

Again, my very best wishes!


Best wishes to all. So glad that all of this is in the rear view mirror. Was a panicked nutcase last year. Son is glad that his internship year is almost over and soon he’ll be heading to his PGY2 location. Pricey rent!

Here’s a thread about last year’s match…the posts get more interesting starting with post #28 forward

D2 got the “happy” email from NRMP this morning. She matched. (Not that was any doubt that she would, but it’s relief to know for sure.)

Yeah, today is kind of meaningless for me.

Great results! D2 is thrilled. Matched at one of her top 3–and probably the strongest academic program in her top 3.

She gets to stay in the West–which was important to her. Plus she wanted nearby mountains–and she got her nearby mountains. (World class skiing 45 minutes from her residency site.)

So a very happy outcome.

LOL! The designated love note writer from this program understood D2’s heart–he included ski and snow reports along with the standard “we think you’d fit in great here” and “we were impressed by your interview” remarks…

Congratulations @WayOutWestMom! I know your D2 is both happy and relieved it’s over.

The amount of paperwork and online course modules required of incoming residents is bananas!

Yeah, D2 had to scramble. She was notified March 23 that she needed to get a new ACLS certificate before April 1. So she had less than week to find & complete the class.

In other news, D1 is the proud owner of a shiny new unrestricted medical license and a DEA prescribing # that is not tied to her residency site. This means she can moonlight to her heart’s content and call in 'scripts across multiple state lines for when her mom needs Cipro for traveler’s diarrhea or an anti-emetic for stomach flu. (Which is the exact advice the EM doc at the urgent care gave me after my last visit: “Save yourself the co-pay next time, just have your daughter call it in.”)

Yup, DD is scrambling to do all that and find a place to live/roomates. Much more expensive where she is going out east so she is freaking about rent costs etc. Heading out there with her to hopefully finalize living arrangements then on to figuring out the move. Ugh, Id like to say this is the last time but if I know her, winters will guarantee a move to warmer climates after residency.

^^D2 is trying to find a rental house with fenced yard (she has a dog) all via the internet on her cell phone. (She’s doing a Wilderness & Austere Medicine rotation right now in backcountry areas where there’s definitely no wireless and cell service is very iffy.)

Today was the last day of D2’s last rotation. She’s all done until graduation in 2 weeks.