Residency comes next

Congrats to D2 @WayOutWestMom

Ditto - Congrats to D2 @WayOutWestMom

Now she can hunt down a rental!!


SIgned her lease last week. Paid her deposit + first month’s rent yesterday.

This kiddo is on the ball…

@WayOutWestMom - Congrats to D2 and to you as well.

For whatever reason CC keeps truncating my post. It isn’t super long but is a couple of paragraphs. Have the posting rules changed?

I think they are in the process of updating software and the cpu usage is way up, internet bandwidth is used up. You could type it in the “word” and cut and paste.

I saw your post earlier @Elleneast ,but poof, it’s gone now.

It might still in the “draft” section

@Elleneast asked us to delete her earlier post since it was truncated.

OK - I am going to try again.

Nope - still shortening the post. The last paragraph will not go through and was an observation of the cost of living differential between NYC and NC. Her Brooklyn rental is more than what she will pay for a house. No surprise there. You get the gist.

Congratulations to all of those making a move up the medical training ladder! I have skulked here occasionally during the past year and it has been so nice to read about everyone’s success.

DD is finishing up her ObGyn residency and will moving to the research triangle in NC for an MFM fellowship. She applied to twenty-ish programs nationwide and had eighteen interviews. It was a tough decision how to rank the top group because when it comes to lifestyle she is a Brooklyn girl at heart. Ultimately she ranked the program that was a perfect research fit as her first choice and they loved her back. Her boyfriend is moving with her and I give him big props because he encouraged her to apply widely even though he has a well established life in NYC. He is an ER doc and luckily had no problems finding a job. They seem to be in demand everywhere. Though it will still be hard fellowship will be a vacation as compared to residency.

Best wishes to all of you (!). I continue to have nothing but respect for everyone going through medical training. You are the best.

Fellowship pay is less the residency??? Research triangle area is great, and the COL is definitely a plus!

I get the impression that there is a regjonal component to residency and fellowship pay. D’s pay as a fourth year resident in NYC is more than her initial fellowship pay in the south.

^^^^Your daughter will LOVE it here in NC!!! Son spent undergrad up north and came back for medical school/b school in RTP and now for residency. Best BBQ and sweet tea and COL is fantastic compared to NYC. Many of his undergrad buddies now practice law/medicine/ast profs in NYC and they all bemoan the cost of rent and parking spaces there. It was a HUGE factor for his rank list for residency…Miami and NYC COLs far outpaced NC while his residency pay was not that much different even with subsidized housing in NYC.

And Miami had no additional bumps pay-wise or benefits. While the NC program did, go figure. Over 50% of his co-residents have bought homes, nice ones on their residency pay. And last night he bought a half-gallon of milk for $.66. Crazy.

You will have to visit her!!


D has a number of die-hard NY’er friends who stayed in NC after fellowship. They had received great job offers but the COL also played a huge part in their decision(s). D and her boyfriend both declare they are moving back to the NE when fellowship is over but three years is a long time so we shall see.

I absolutely plan on visiting her - just not in the summer. :-o

COL just wrecks havoc.

Going from low cost southern state to Chicago from residency to fellowship…great bump in pay…which mostly went to paying double the rent (that extra $200/mo just for a parking spot was brutal).

Congratulations to Doctor WOWD2!

Many motherly tears were shed this morning as D2 was introduced as Dr. WOWD2, walked across the stage and was hooded by Dr. WOWD1.

(D1’s comment after the ceremony–oh thank god, now I can throw away my commencement gown. I’ve been lugging this thing around for 3 years because I knew I’d need for D2’s graduation.)

After the ceremony, we all went out to lunch and I was the only person at the table without a Dr. in front my name. Dr. D1, Dr. D2, Dr. SIL (PhD), Dr. Family Friend (PhD).

Comment--although I lost count when D2 was announced, I would guess that at least 1/3 of graduating class had at least 1 parent  who was a physician. (Any family member with a doctoral degree was allowed to hood grads.) Three were hooded by spouses, one by a SIL, and 5 by siblings. (And in an almost too cutesy moment, one male classmate was hooded by  the Dean, then the newly hooded doc immediately turned around an hooded his wife.) 

Sounds like a fantastic day, @WayOutWestMom ! Congrats on raising two fine daughter’s!

I wish my D and SIL would had thought of that cutesy move, SIL would have hooded daughter. Okay,a bit cheesy and they would have never done it.

Congrats to WOWD2 and WOWMOM for raising two doctors!

I remember being surprised by that when my original class graduated - especially as someone with no physicians in the family.

Getting hooded and being the family hooder is definitely cheesy