Residency comes next

Hahnemann update:

Finally some progress!

Not the best news, but better than it has been.

I really hope those residents all land someplace great. They deserve it after this horrible situation.

The real reason why Hahnemann went bankrupt:
[Rich investors may have let a hospital go bankrupt. Now, they could profit from the land](

And there’s a whole lot more going on–

If any of this is true, it’s pretty disgusting…

I know from the start that “money” must be involved.

@WayOutWestMom The real reason you posted is what my med school lad told us when we mentioned the fiasco to him. It’s what he learned about it all. His main hospital has taken in at least one of the residents. Disgusting is the mild word for it.

I find myself very offended at the way they are so blithely screwing up all those resident’s lives, from visas, to research v not, to not releasing the funds so they can move on with life, etc. That stinks!

[Hahnemann’s residency slots fetch $55 million in bankruptcy auction](The $55 million bid that won Hahnemann residency slots was ‘a big surprise’)

The sale of the residency slots will have zero effect on the current displaced residents who have mostly dispersed to new residency sites across the country.

The big loser here is Drexel SOM. Drexel has effectively just lost its entire residency & fellowship program.

I’m just hoping all of those displaced residents have found a new program to welcome them.


Per the ACGME, as of August 5, 95% of Hahnemann residents & fellows have already found new positions. Most of those who haven’t been placed hold offers from other programs.

Parental bragging alert—

D1 has landed!

She is now tenure track faculty at the highest ranked med school in her new country. It’s ranked in the top 20 med schools in the world.

She starts her new job in November.

Not bad for a kid who went to a mid-low ranked state med school!

@WayOutWestMom Congratulations to your D!

Is there some permanence to her new location or will she make it back to US in a few years?


Unless her husband gets a job offer in academia he can’t refuse (like a full professorship at MIT or other top research U), they don’t plan to come back to the US.

I am wondering what the likelihood is of getting a residency interview invite before Oct. 1 when the MSPE’s are released?

With the exception of the student’s home program–unlikely.

Academic programs typically don’t even download applications until after MSPEs come out.

Community programs can be more variable. I’ve heard some less competitive community programs will send out IIs prior to MSPEs in hopes of reeling a few highly competitive applicants who might not bother to interview with the program once they have more options in hand.

And I thought I’d share some happy news–

D2 had a BFF from high school who graduated from the same med school as D2, just one year ahead. BFF married a physician from Mexico who gave up his medical practice (as a pediatrician) to move to the US after they got married 2 years ago.

The BFF’s husband has been struggling to find USCE and prepare for the USMLEs. He has just been accepted to UCLA’s International Medical Graduates Program ( --which is 1 year program for highly qualified FMGs that leads to placement into FM residencies in CA where their bilingual/bicultural background meets a local need.

Very happy for both of them. Tremendous honor for the husband. He gave up everything to be with his wife.

Am I the only one here who had a kid submit their residency application this past week?

No, there’s another CC parent whose kid is in the cycle, but I don’t think they’re comfortable posting to this thread.

Ok, thanks. I guess I will need to go elsewhere for the commiseration between parents going through the same thing and the same time.

I am here!

I understood that although the application is submitted most programs may not touch review or schedule interviews until after MSPE is loaded after October 1st.