Residency comes next

My guy doesn’t know if he had Covid before and it’s not listed on the Go Fund page. It’s unknown, but possible and/or he could have been asymptomatic. I’m sure they’d have done testing and an autopsy with his age. I don’t know how much they will update the med school students or the public.

@CC_Jon @CC_Sorin

Could someone please get rid of the Florida International University tag (or whatever FL college it is) that appears on this subforum? It has nothing to do with this forum!

While D was making her ranking list, I was looking at housing in the different places she was ranking. I had a pretty good idea of what was available and the costs for each of the places she had in her top 5.

Once she matched, we started looking seriously. She did rent for a couple of months before closing on her condo. She loves her place - loves getting it all set up. And her co-residents have been frequent visitors. They often met at her house, her patio over the summer.

@Creekland - that’s awful news about the resident dying at such a young age.

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I’m wondering how many of our residents in this thread will close to the front of the line for the vaccine. My kid is an ED resident…hoping she gets her first shot before Dec 28 when she returns to the ED (she is in another part of the hospital now).

@arisamp That’s what I was thinking would be good to do. Only one place he’s interviewed at was nice enough to send interviewees the areas residents tend to live in with an overview of each, including the names of who lived where. They also gave contact info for different things like Residents with Dogs/Cats, etc, so they could answer practical questions.

That places is one of the top programs in his field and has vaulted up to be one of his high contenders. It’s really nice of them to pay so much attention to all the “other” stuff residents might want to know, but can’t really get a feel for, this year.

No one else seems to have thought to do that - it’s mainly interviewing as normal except online. They have open houses, or at least most of them did, but it’s not really the same. That’s mainly a way to get to know the residents - again - as it would be in person, except done online.

I asked my guy if anything new (medically) had been shared about the resident’s death - esp if he had had Covid before - and he told us they haven’t heard anything. I looked at the Go Fund page and I don’t see an update there either. They still have a way to go to reach their goal. I think I’ll help when I do bills later this week. It still tugs at my heart.

I have been watching these premed forums for the last 8 years, and learned a lot of info from the experienced posters/parents, especially WOWM, Creekland and others’ good advice; finally my daughter finished her last online interview two days ago, it’s a long journey for MD route, wish her has a satisfying result for the Match day, and other parents, applicants as well.


My guy is done with interviews too and having a really tough time ranking his top 3 or 4 choices. He loves them all, for different reasons. The good thing is if he gets any of them he ought to be happy.

Best wishes to everyone March 19th!


2 more interviews to go. He has some great choices. Can’t go wrong with any of them. It’s just a matter of where he wants to be geographically.

Good luck to your future residents. Last year, I was in the parent shoes. The hardest wait was between submitting the rank order list and finding out if you match the Monday before Match Day. And then waiting to see where.

My doctor kid had a lot of good choices, but she knew her rank order list was getting tossed into a computer and the algorithm would decide her residency.

There were five of us who did a lot of back channel hand holding. We were a fortunate group in that all five got their number one ranked program. Lots of happiness on Match Day (virtually).

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The current batch has one good thing going for them. They only have 2-3 weeks wait time after submission. All these years they made people wait almost 2 months for no reason at all

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Less than one month now, but who’s counting? :sunglasses:

We have our fingers crossed for our friend’s daughter who did a Caribbean program, the good news is she got 18 interviews, so hopefully she is in the 50% (?) of FMGs who get a US based residency.


From the stats I posted on another thread, it seems to really depend upon what specialty she’s looking for. The odds may really be in her favor, esp with oodles of interviews.

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T - 1 week, but who’s counting? :grin:

My guy is coming home this weekend and will be here for the virtual ceremony. That evening he’s joining a virtual party with his friends. I wish it could be in person, but at least they’re doing something. We’ll have a bottle of bubbly of his choice.

Then he has the following week (maybe 2 weeks) off and wants to go look at wherever he’s going to get a feel for neighborhoods, etc.


Did they all get vaccinated already? Texas medical schools vaccinated everyone in January.

It wasn’t mandatory, but anyone who wanted one got theirs. He and his friends all got theirs back in Jan too.

@Creekland and anyone else who has a kid who is doing residency match…good luck.

They should know Monday IF they matched…and will know where on Friday.

Looking forward to the news!

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My guy matched!!! Hope that’s true for everyone else waiting too…

Now to Friday…



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Congratulations to everyone who got happy news today!

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