Residency comes next

Happy here too!!! He had one he knew would be a longshot and didn’t get that one, but this one is just as good and he’s very happily making plans now.


Congratulations @creekland @momworried @Structural

we will all have a drink for you!


Thank you texaspg, and Congratulations @creekland @momworried.

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Yes, Congratulations to @momworried and @Structural !

It’s really, really nice hearing my guy be so happy. I’m thinking he put his top choice down because he thought he “should” vs where he really wanted to be (higher ranking). If so, I’m doubly glad it ended up as it did. Regardless, he’s on Cloud 9 right now. His GF is thrilled too. :wink:


Congratulations to everyone whose child Matched today! @Structural @Creekland @momworried

It’s such a relief for the waiting to be over.

Now it’s time for them to start packing up their stuff and begin the next phase of their life.

@somemom How impressive that your friend’s non-citizen IMG daughter not only matched, but she matched at an academic program! Kudos to her for being flexible and smart in her application strategy!


Congrats to everyone! I’m very excited. After 9 years my son will finally be close to home.


Happy tears for you and your families and friends, @momworried, @Creekland, @Structural and @somemom! This is a great day for all!


D matched in 2012 and it is still one of the happiest days of my life. It’s right up there with weddings and births!


NRMP has their 2021 Match Data available:

And more detailed here:

For seniors:


19,866 applicants → 18,435 matched = 92.8%


7101 applicants → 6327 matched = 89.1%


5295 applicants → 3152 matched = 59.5%


7943 applicants → 4356 matched = 54.8%

It’s broken down by specialty on the link for anyone interested. Numbers vary a bit - there are just way too many to post.

Here’s the Press Release from NRMP

IMO it’s a very interesting read - or maybe I’m just a data hound, who knows? :wink:

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Thanks, @Creekland, and congratulations to your son, and to the parents and friends of everyone who matched. Very interesting to me as the mom of a first-year DO student.

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So happy to hear about the successful matches. Son’s program filled so no SOAP and he is happy with the new class. He will be done as Chief in 4 months and is moving on. He is not going far, not far on Tobacco Rd, so lots more basketball! He is thrilled with the position and will continue to be busy. And I am happy since he isn’t going far, far away.

He has been spending most of his time in the hospitals with covid and trying to squeeze out time for research. It’s getting done.

Again congrats on all the matches and have fun house/apt hunting!!



D2 just sent me a “save the date” for her residency graduation next June. She will be a chief at her program during her PGY4 year. She will be “suicide applying” for a fellowship at her home program. (i.e. applying to only one program.) She’ll know in December if she matched.


Congratulations! Does that mean she does not want to go anywhere else or that is the way the app works? I have been told people are given a match early on to take or leave without applying (Someone told me this about GI at one of the Harvard programs) with a short timeline of 2-4 weeks but they knew in September.

She doesn’t want to go anywhere else. At least for now. She and her partner are trying to figure out the “two body problem”.

The BF won’t know if he’s been accepted to PT school or where until after Match is over. He’s hoping to get an acceptance to the state university program because a) it’s very highly ranked nationally; and b) BF will be able to use D2’s faculty/staff discount (she’ll be considered academic staff as a fellow) to reduce his tuition by 50%.

D2 has an offer to join an academic practice at the university (become junior med school faculty) contingent on her completing this fellowship.

Every sub-specialty has its own Match timeline. There are matches in August, September, October, November, December, January, and May. depending on the exact subspecialty.

GI usually comes out in Dec. However, this person had an offer in September to move from IM to GI in the same place or else that spot was going to be given to the regular pool. Essentially, they had some spots reserved for their residents who want to continue and if they were not sure it would be released. This person said no and became a hospitalist instead.

Understand for MD application cycle state of residency plays a factor in admission. Would like to know if state of residency plays any role during Medical Residency Application Cycle? Appreciate any input.
My C born and brought up in CA and maintains CA residency (for tax filing). Currently doing MD in TX. She is open to do residency either at her current school or try in CA. But if she abandon CA tax filing, does it have any impact during residency cycle for CA residencies programs? Thanks.

Her residency match will be decided by a big computer algorithm that does not take state of residency into consideration at all.

that being said…I suppose it’s possible that some residency programs might rank her higher (in their rankings) if they know she has ties to the area.

Adding…I think she will need more than just her current TX medical school affiliated residency and CA programs when she applies for residencies.

@WayOutWestMom your thoughts?

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Her legal state of residency has ZERO influence on your d’s match prospects.

Her residency match placement will be entirely determined by the results of the NRMP computer algorithm–which considers only the programs’ rank list and the student’s rank list.

Now, whether your D will get residency interviews from CA program (she can’t rank a program unless she interviews there)–that’s an unknown.
California is a notorious difficult place to match.

P.S. I don’t think there’s any place on the ERAS where your D can indicate that she’s originally from CA. Legal state residency is just not asked about anywhere on the application.


Thank a lot. You addressed my question. So the app does not even ask the state of residency. That is great to know.

Since doing tax for her this weekend, this question popped up.

Just adding…her tax status has absolutely zero to do with residency match.

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