Residential College at West Ambler Johnston

I was accepted into West AJ Residential college, and was wondering if anyone had any feedback or information on it, if they enjoyed it or not,and why.How were the dorm rooms? I’m trying to make a decision within the week.

The dorm is supposed to be one of the nicest. It was built in the 60’s but renovated recently. They have a movie theater and fitness gym from what I understand. You can google image search and see some dorm rooms. There are also discussions on the VA Tech Reddit. They seem positive.

Did you apply for a LLC? Which one? When did you apply? Did your notification arrive in a letter or an email?

@Cricket17 When did you apply for housing? And when did you get back you decision for the housing.

@Cricket17 I’m glad you wrote your post. My son came home and checked his Hokie Spa. He was notified he got into the LLC. He says that one advantage is that you are guaranteed housing next year (2017-2018) and it’s among the newest renovations on campus.

For @Mallu1asa There should be a link on Hokie Spa to apply for housing. They don’t ask many questions. You don’t get a choice of halls but they ask if you smoke and if you prefer a traditional room or a suite. They leave it up to you to get on Facebook Class of 2020 to find a roommate or they will assign a random choice. You can fill out the housing now and add a roommate as late as June. There is a separate application on there for the LLC’s. My son sent his in late April.