Residential Colleges-what are they like?

I’m going to NU this fall, and was wondering if anyone has any insight on the different res colleges. I think I would love the smaller environment, but I’ve heard some of them are really antisocial. What are the reputations of the different res colleges on campus?

I have 2 kids that are NU alums, and both lived in Res Colleges for 4 years and loved it. They both commented on the importance of study groups within the res college as being a major plus, and both made good friends while there. I would not worry about “different reputations” or “anti-social” comments.

To put this in perspective, this is all new for you - and for all other freshmen too. You will be surrounded by other top performing kids, and you will get out of it what you want to. I would offer good luck wishes, but you don’t really need them. You got into NU and are ready to move on. Do your best to enjoy the journey.

BTW - This might be helpful to you:

Just a heads up, Northwestern seems to be moving away from residential colleges. They are truing to eliminate them. :frowning:


@CaliCash - The next time I talk to Morty I will tell him to Leave My Res Colleges Alone! :slight_smile:

Actually this is very sad news. Yes, time marches on, and nothing remains the same, but I know my kids liked their res college, and were able to take advantage of what it had to offer. Hopefully the new system will offer similar options.