(Respost) Chance me for BS's

  • Reposting w/ some additional info :slight_smile:

Hey yall! I am a female 8th grader applying to boarding school for the upcoming admissions cycle. I would appreciate yalls feedback / if you could chance me! :))

My school does not post grades of A+, so our grading scale is based on multiples of 5. (90-94.99 is an A-, 95-100 is an A). I have all A’s and A-'s from 6th-8th grade.

Competitive Dance - 2 years, opened for one of the most famous dance groups in the world

ESL Mentoring - I teach English to refugees on the weekends, as well as help them with homework, projects, and studying for tests.

Competitive Chess - Played competitively for 8 years, mentored elementary school girls by
teaching them tactics, openings, ect.

Peer Mentoring - Worked with younger students in my school on projects and homework.

Financial Literacy - Managed a large financial portfolio (highly selective application)

Speech and Debate - 4 years, School is one of the top schools in state.

Community Service - Worked with 4 different organizations over the course of 5 years.

Student Council - I am grade rep as well as chair of reps (I represent my grade and am a representative of all the other respresentatives)

I also am a social media manager in a highly respected organization for my school, as well as a participating member of the organization.

I have started all of my essays/interviews and think they’re going fairly well!

I haven’t taken the test yet, but my practice tests are predicting 90th percentiles. I have two months left to study, so once again, not worried as I plan on working very hard.

My school does not offer ANY academic achievements! So no honor roll, top ___ awards, or anything under that general umbrella :))

The schools I am applying to (in alphabetical order) are Andover, Exeter, Choate, and Lawrenceville. Thank you so much!

See older thread for reference

Hi -I think these chance me threads are not helpful as there are many great students with strong backgrounds and no one here works for the admissions teams on the given year. Each year schools look to balance their classes. So many amazing students do not get accepted while others do. You sound like a wonderful candidate. I am sure you will do well on the SSATs and certainly anything in the 90%s is great. My daughter is so far very happy at Lville. Feel free to message me if you have any questions.

You got this!


You are an excellent candidate, but there are many excellent candidates. You have picked the most highly selective schools. If you are set on going to boarding school, I’d cast a wider net.