<p>i was reading through the boards
and i saw many people saying theyre in china right now...
im in beijing and my results so far are:
ANDOVER - waitlisted
HOTCHKISS - no reply
TAFT - no reply
EXETER - no reply</p>
<p>im really mad i didnt get in..a whole lot of crap is riding on if i get in. the money and effort ive put into it..hope i get accepted into at least one.</p>
<p>also does anyone have any tips on how to write a return letter saying you are interested while on the waitlist?? and does anyone have any idea how many people are on the andover waitlist? it was my top choice :(</p>
<p>I didn't get the letter with the PIN code and stuff... but when I checked online at My Andover it said it received all my application materials. Weird.</p>
<p>I just phoned the admissions office... they said to wait until I get my actual package. I'm not worried over whether I was accepted or not, but actually rather over the possibility of my application being incomplete because I would hate to see so many months of hard work go to waste, as well as not get accepted since they did not get all required materials.</p>
<p>Well, My Andover should be pretty accurate on your documents. I've been double checking it like everyday to make sure that everything stays that way. </p>
<p>Oh darn, if I don't get in then I'm going to have the worst birthday ever!</p>