Resume Assistance, please!

<p>Hello, I'm a freshman applying to several research/biotech internships over the summer. I haven't worked in that general area yet, so I was wondering whether or not I should include my work/volunteer history anyways, since it seems better than leaving that section blank. And even though that experience isn't directly science-related, it does reveal other traits like communication, problem-solving, etc that many of the internships listed in their job descriptions.</p>

<p>I was originally going to use a skills format, since I don't have much background in the area, but a Career Center counselor told me that employers would prefer that I use a chronological format. Any suggestions on content and format? I greatly appreciate it, thanks!</p>

<p>i dont have a ton of experrience in this area either, but seeing as you have no replies here is my best shot.</p>

<p>i would go with the chronological like the cc counselor told you because the skills format is generally used at higher level experience and can be used to iterate specializations you may have in a particular field…seing as how you say you only have limited experiece in biotech, specifically, bu utilizing chronological i think you could find a better way to include all your prior work, etc</p>

<p>also, i would pick up a copy of the internship/resume guide (very useful) they have at the career center…it should elaborate much more on this than i, or anyone else on this forum coulf, i think</p>