Retake SAT or ACT?

<p>I took a 6 week Princeton Review Class for the SAT and took multiple practice tests and my results were:
Critical Reading 670<br>
Math 690<br>
Writing 670</p>

<p>I took the ACT after reading the Dummies guide Sparknotes but no practice tests and my results were:
Composite: 31
English: 31
Math: 32
Reading: 35
Science: 26</p>

<p>I may also have to retake the Math 2C Subject Test on one of the test days since i got a 710.
So, should i focus studying on the ACT or SAT? I might retake both, but I definitely don't have the time to STUDY for both. </p>


<p>I vote ACT. If you study a little bit more of your English grammar rules and increase your science score (yes, I swear it can be done!), then you'll be set. You could easily increase your ACT score by two points just by increasing those two sections, whereas you'll have to study all three SAT sections to really make a difference.</p>