<p>If I recall, Dad II, your daughter had 34 ACT. That is better than "decent." It is high. Around here, that is the score needed for an unhooked student to be competitive at highly selective colleges for admissions purposes (all questions of merit aid aside).</p>
<p>I'll repeat what I said above: The OP's friend's scores are fine for admission purposes, but may fall a bit short for major merit awards. It is not a problem if the score goes down a bit on one retake, especially if one of the sections goes up. That is what the composite thing is all about.</p>
<p>I don't recommend a retake if the high 1400 score followed an intensive test-prep course, or if the student feels that was the very best she can do. I know a lot of kids who take those tests pretty much cold, though (middle midwest, a different universe here) and one retake could yield the difference between being in the pool for merit consideration, and being out of the pool.</p>
<p>There's a reason why several CC'ers were not too pleased that you pushed dd to study even harder, Dad II. I don't think you fully realize how outstanding of a score a 34 is, and how few students get such a high score in general. If your daughter competed in the Olympics and brought home the bronze or silver medal, would you rag on her for not having brought home the gold?</p>
<p>Your dd got into, if I recall properly, FIVE of the TOP 20 UNIVERSITIES in the country. Good grief, how much better could she do?</p>
<p>I don't think re-taking automatically means you are "score obsessed." </p>
<p>If your D doesn't mind doing a little preparation with the College Board practice tests, going over the 1500 mark seems to be significant in terms of merit $$ as well as admission to the most selective schools. </p>
<p>Other kids at our D's school had similar profiles, but the ones who bagged the best merit scholarships were the highest scorers. </p>
<p>I always think it is funny that we don't criticize an athlete for practicing his golf swing or tennis serve, but we are sometimes less supportive of the academic kid who wants to practice and see what he or she can do. I don't think a second sitting is a bad idea to see if you can hit that 1500 benchmark.</p>
<p>Every selective school admissions officer I've ever asked said they won't even blink if you take the SAT three times. More than that and they MIGHT wonder why you didn't have better things to do on a Saturday morning. Emphasis on might.</p>
<p>Yet another vote for the ACT. Also, I suggest that IF she retakes the SAT she sends the first scores to the schools that she's interested in before registering, if she does better the second time around she can send again, if not they're "hidden" (assuming the $$ for sending the scores isn't an issue).</p>
<p>Thank you for all of the advice and opinions. I will pass it all on.</p>
<p>Especially appreciative of the reminder that everyone should check the FAFSA/CSS Profile calculators to be sure as to whether financial aid/merit $$ are important. NOW is the time; not after the apps are in, isn't it?</p>
<p>Also appreciate gcnorth's tactical point - if test report costs are not an issue, send the current really nice scores now. Only send new SAT scores if they are an improvement. It's not necessary to go this route, but I know that some people worry how it will look if the scores go down (or even if one component goes down).</p>
<p>Seems like the preponderance of views are that it is wise to re-take if not truly averse to the idea, but not necessary to retake. And that the ACT might even be a wiser course of action.</p>
<p>I can't imagine why any appliant would not take the ACT. There is literally nothing to loose in giving it a try.</p>
<p>another vote for giving the ACT PLUS (w/writing) a try. d's 32 ACT was a point higher than her SAT equiv...............so for her, taking the ACT was a good decision.</p>
<p>jmmom, you might try plugging in some numbers on the merit aid calculators........like at baylor and southwestern. see what differences in merit aid appear when the scores are increased.</p>
<p>That's what I'm talking about, mammall. A very small expediture of time and $$. Could lead to even more impressive scores. Why not??</p>
Junior, female, SATs in one sitting are high 1400s (M and CR), over 2200 total.
SATIIs of 780 (MathII) and 750 (Chem).
If this is her first test since HS. And did it just for 'test water' purpose (ie. with some 1-2 hour overnight review). I'd say definitely retake the SAT I.</p>
<p>One caveat to sending the first SAT scores to schools and potentially not sending a second sitting: if the D is going to take any other SAT-IIs, she should take those before the 2nd SAT if she might want to keep that SAT score hidden.</p>
That was why I wondered if your friends had run the numbers yet. My feeling is that if the parents of sophs and juniors I'm talking to aren't freaked out about money yet or didn't realize this was the toughest year in admissions, they are blissfully unaware of the bomb that's about to drop on them or they are in major denial.</p>
<p>Time for a reality check.</p>