Retake the SAT??

<p>Here are my scores:
SAT 1: Math-800 CR-730 Writing-750
ACT: 33 (superscore composite) 32 (composite
SAT II: Math II-770 Bio-750 US Hist-740
AP: Calc AB-5 Bio-5 US Hist-5 (I have 6 AP's this year)
Rank: 1/465</p>

<p>My scores are fairly strong but could always be better. Is it worth retaking any of the tests if I think I can get another 20-30 point higher? Keep in mind I am white, middle class, not a famous pianist. I'm just your regular smart, nice kid. (But I do have plenty of extra-curriculars and sports)</p>

<p>i’m guesssing you’re a junior? if so, you don’t need to retake it.</p>

<p>no, i’m a senior. I know that yale continues to accept scores until march… so I was just wondering…</p>

<p>^the january test date is the last date (i thought); i haven’t heard of yale accepting scores all the way through march, considering march is when they finish making decisions</p>

<p>and no, you don’t need to retake anyway; a score of 1530 M+CR// 2280 Total is a great score for the SAT (translation - if you get accepted or rejected, your SAT score will not be what resulted in that decision)</p>

<p>^ agree with peytoncline, your scores are awesome. january is last test date-it’s on yale website. how many times have you taken the SAT? if you’ve already taken it 2 or 3 times, definitely don’t take it again. i ask b/c although scores are important, you and i both know they aren’t everything. in fact, if colleges look at your score report and see that you’ve taken the SAT 4 times, it will come across that the student is putting even more weight on the scores than the college is, which sends a bad message. bottom line, scores don’t define you as an applicant, and your scores are solid enough that it will be the real person defined throughout the rest of your application that they’ll evaluate more closely.</p>

<p>haha, wow, i’m really wordy, sorry</p>

<p>Okay thanks. I’ve only taken the SAT twice and SATII once. I took the ACT three times and each time seemed to be a bad day, whether I was sick, had a game the night before, or something like that. But thanks for answering my question. </p>

<p>Also, I really like the name Jane. I always thought people should be able to choose their kids last name (although then again that would completely destroy the value in a name). I think Jane Addams (Nobel Peace Prize) is like the coolest name</p>

<p>Your scores are very good. I wouldn’t retake. I wish I had your SAT IIs.</p>

<p>Well I had a score like yours (2240) 780 CR 720 M 740 Wr and I only took it once and didnt review or take a class or anything - and i talked to my guidance counselor and he told me that I really should just study a little bit and take it again in jan. if you think you can break 2350, take it again, if you don’t think it will increase too much, just sit back and relax</p>

<p>biology91, don’t sweat the ACT score, it’s still very good, lol, even for taking it on a “bad day.” haha, and yeah i like the name Jane too. I was thinking of Jane Austen when i picked my username, b/c she’s one of my favorite authors.</p>