<p>I'm a student at a top-20 university, but I took several classes at my home state university while I was in high school, either because the classes weren't offered at my high school or because I simply couldn't stand to be in high school any longer than I had to be. Among the classes I took were Anatomy/Physiology and Multivariable Calc, earning an A in both. My current university is on semesters, while the state university is on quarters, so the transfer credits didn't line up exactly, but my current school did award me a small amount of pass/fail credit for these classes.
Here's my question: Will medical school adcoms look down on me if I retake both of these classes at my current university, even though I did very well in both of them when I took them at the state college a few years ago? This is my reasoning: I remember exactly nothing from Anatomy/Physiology (it was many years ago, and it was a 4-week intensive course), and I've heard that it can be really helpful for the MCAT, so I need to learn that stuff again. And for math, I want to be safe and make sure that I have the math requirement covered for every single med school I might want to apply to, so my AP Calc BC credit needs to be supplemented with an upper-level college calc class (right?). And since I took the upper-level class at a not-so-great university, wouldn't it be a better idea to retake it at my top-20 school?<br>
Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give me!</p>
<p>Yes - why would you retake a class you got an A in? Most colleges won’t let you retake a class if you haven’t failed it, so it would certainly seem odd for you to retake two classes you received A’s in.</p>
<p>No, but you will need another math class to get the full year required for med schools since the vast majority won’t take AP credit for pre-req courses.</p>
<p>My recommendation would be to take different classes in Anatomy and Math to expand your knowledge base.</p>
<p>I’m not sure what retaking multivar calc will accomplish since you can only get credit for it (in the eyes of med schools) once. I suggest just adding an additional semester of stats or something.</p>
<p>It also seems like a waste of time to retake anatomy and physiology. Anatomy is useless for the MCAT. Physiology can be useful but unnecessary. You can do very well on the bio section with just intro bio. I recommend not taking any bio course (and certainly not taking any bio course TWICE) solely for the sake of the MCAT.</p>