<p>So I took Math 2 this May and I knew I did bad, and I ended up with a 680.
On all the Barron's practice tests i had gotten 640-700 range.
I was wondering what other practice tests I can do to help me prep because I used all of Barrons and PR's.
I can't use Sparknotes because their test prep center is down.
I've started practicing with Mcgraw and only took 1 so far and got a 790 in 45 minutes.</p>
<p>Any tips are appreciated</p>
I took a couple more practice tests.
I took another Mcgraw practice test and got an 800 w/ a raw score of 49/50
And today i took all 3 sparknotes math 2 tests from the book consecutively and got 750, 750, 760, repectively.
Any suggestions on what to practice with or focus on now? Should I keep practicing Mcgraw Hills practice tests there are still 7 left in them.</p>
<p>So I took 4 more Mcgraw tests and got 800,790,760, and 800.
I did all four of these in 45-50 minutes.
There are 2 more in Mcgraw left and Iām wondering what I should practice with after those.</p>
<p>You say you;ve done practice tests from a sparksnote book? Whats the book called???</p>
<p>You say you;ve done practice tests from a sparksnote book? Whats the book called???</p>