Retired Teacher Recommendation?

<p>Hey I'm in a dilemma,
I have one recommendation squared away, but the second one Im pretty confused about.
Can you get teacher recommendation from a retired teacher? My journailsm/newspaper teacher retired last year and I had known her for two years before that (was writer, editor, managing editor now). I heard that some schools accept retired teacher recs and some don't. Which do and which do not?</p>

<p>BTW right now im applying to..

<p>thanks a lot!</p>

<p>I wanted a teacher to do mine who left teaching my school in the UK and moved to Canada. I emailed the Common Application people asking if it was ok for her to still write my recommendation and they said that would be fine. So I would guess yours will be fine too. You might want to double check, though.</p>

<p>i'm thinkinga bout getting a rec from a required teacher as well...
how would they even know that the teacher was retired?</p>

<p>well i asked stanford and caltech, both said retired teacher is OK for rec. thank goodness.</p>