Returning student financial aid

<p>Nothing here either. All that shows is the amount of the scholarship.</p>

<p>I e-mailed financial aid asking them about the status of my financial aid status yesterday and this morning I got an e-mail saying that my financial aid was up, and indeed it was. I wonder if it was a coincidence or if e-mailing them provoked them to post it? Either way, my package was very good, even better than last year’s :)</p>

<p>As most of you know, I often post to counter and/or balance with reality claims that USC has been unfair to or - as the kids so often put it - has “screwed” returning students. I am now going to be *twice *as strong in my responses because my daughter’s financial aid just posted - and it was worth the long wait.</p>

<p>Her first two years she received a modest USC grant as part of her package. Like most of you, our part of the total cost was a real stretch, but we managed to cover it. In the past year, we have been hit by “the economy” and were very worried about how we would manage our expected contribution for the coming school year. Without any special appeals on our part, USC used the information in our financial aid applications and ***nearly doubled her USC grant ***for the coming year. It is still a stretch, but a stretch we KNOW we can make.</p>

<p>Thank you USC.</p>

<p>:) :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>That’s great news! Congrats!</p>

<p>My financial aid information posted about a week ago, looks pretty much the same as last year. Unfortunately they’re going to take outside scholarships out of my University Grant, so whatever I get in outside sources won’t really matter. Now I’m just hoping for department awards like I’ve been getting the past two years, those don’t post till mid-August.</p>

<p>I too am grateful for USC’s generosity. My family too was “hit hard by the economy” and USC over doubled my University grant. In other words, my EFC went from 28000 down to about 7000, and hopefully after a highly anticipated scholarship, down to 4000! I was THRILLED and am eternally grateful and joyful!</p>