reusing essays

For NYU I had to write 3 essays, and they all had similar themes/stories. Do you think it’s okay for me to use part of my NYU supplement essay and use it for my NYU artistic statement (for fine arts)?

I would not use exactly the same essays or even wording. Try to be original - even if you have to say the same thing, say it a different way. I know it’s tough but to the same school you probably want all essays to be original. There is a good chance the same person will be reading all 3 essays.

It’s not against any rule, but I would also recommend you give new material as much as you can. It diversifies your application and gives the AdComs a broader scope of your personality in which they can more easily determine your fit for their college. Being refreshing is the key, as AdComs are usually stooped over their computers running on caffeine, exhausted of reading the same material over and over.

No way! Goodness, you can’t think of soemthing original to say for the same college? I can totally understand reusing an essay, with modifications, for a different school though.

No. I would not. It is fine to re-use essays between different schools, but not within one application to a school. You would miss a chance to show different sides of yourself/different interests and it will come off as very “one note.” Find something else to write about for one of the essays.

No!! Terrible idea

No don’t do that. If you were writing a similar/same supplemental essay for 2+ different colleges, then you could use the same exact essay (with obvious changes (i.e. college name)) and submit it no problem. But you shouldn’t copy all/part of a supplemental essay for another supplement for the same college.