Reverend Loglord is in the House

<p>You know me best as Prof. Loglord, but this week I am the Reverend Loglord. I am here to accept confessions. Tell me your and I will assign you a penance for which you perform to be forgiven. You may privately pm these confessions or post them publicly. </p>

<p>Here's the catch!: If District Attorney Sittingbull stops by this forum, he can prosecute you. Watch out for the slick attorney~</p>

<p>Preach, brotha, PREACH!!</p>

<p>Release your demons! Confess sinners, God will embrace you! Let me hear your sins and repentance!</p>

<p>Damn! No one to prosecute. Shove it up your goggy there Loglord!</p>

<p>Hallelujah,Hallelujah!!!! I feel the blood of JEEESUSS running through my veins!! <em>goes into convulsions</em> Preach on, Pasta, preach on!!!!</p>

<p>Hallelujah. Praise da lawd.</p>

<p>I stole the cookie from the cookie jar. :(</p>