White female in MA at a somewhat competitive high school outside of Boston
ACT: 31 composite and 7 writing
GPA: 3.3 UW, 4.03 W, 3.92 UC
My extremely low GPA freshman year is dragging me down, but my transcript shows improvement. Traumatic circumstances damaged my grades junior year but I ended with A’s and B/B+'s
APs: AP Bio (3), AP Lang (4), AP French, AP Psych, APHUG (senior year classes)
my school only lets us take AP classes junior + senior year, but I’ve been taking all honors since sophomore year
School does not rank
Volunteer work at local dog shelter (200+ hours)
Work (abt 20 hrs/week)
Tutored 4 French kids in English for 2 years (10 hrs a week)
National World Language Honor Society
French Club
France exchange junior year
Painting + art hobbies
Essay: writing about the generational connections of art in my family and learning to value my artistic talents OR writing about my cultural experiences on an exchange program in France (will this come off as privileged?)
Recommendation Letters:
AP Bio teacher: probably strong, I also took an out of school AP Forensics class that she led
APHUG teacher: strong
GC: average
Disciplinary: suspended freshman year for skipping school, will this affect my admission chances? I’ve had no disciplinary problems since this incident
9th grade: PE, Algebra 1, Art, English, Physical Science, Honors French 2, Honors World History
10th: Honors Biology, Honors US History 1, Honors English, Honors French 3, Geometry, Art 2, 1/2 year Psych course, 1/4 year CPR, 1/4 year Nutrition
11th: Honors US History 2, Honors Chemistry, Honors French 4, AP Biology, AP Lang, 1/4 year AP Forensics (online class proctored by teacher), 1/4 year Walking, 1/4 year Yoga
12th: Honors Anatomy, Honors English, AP Psych, AP French, AP Human Geo, Pre-calc
I’m thinking of applying to UCSB, UWashington, American University, UC Boulder, Temple, and Fordham but I need more match and safety schools preferably in large cities on the East or West Coast