Reverse- Chances Thread -esreveR

<p>Okay, so I'm having some trouble with something that should be easy (I suppose); I can't find a good match/safety school. I have researched and visited many of the prestigious and "elite" colleges and universities (Brown, NW, UChicago, Cornell, JHU) but, I still fear the luck of the draw and the (high) chance that I won't get in. So I ask you fellow CCers for a favor. Instead of me naming my stats and a school and you telling me whether or not I can get in, I will name my stats and you tell me where I can get in. Thanks to whoever responds.</p>

<p>Male Senior of Russian Decent (Was born, not even first generation) from IL.
We have required gym here in IL so I only get 6 periods a day >.>
3.84 GPA (5.83/6 Weighted); 11/570 in Class
Took all available honors classes.
Past APs: AP Euro (4), AP Computer Science AB (5), AP Chemistry (5), AP Lang (5), AP Psych (5), APUSH (5).
Senior APs: AP Lit, AP Bio, AP Econ, AP Govt, AP Spanish, AP Calc BC
Will have excellent recommendations.
Also, will be a PE Leader next year.</p>

<p>ACT: Took once, got 35.</p>

Varsity Math Team (10,11,12)
Varsity Forensics/Speech Team (10,11,12)
Varsity Water Polo (10,11,12?)
Spanish National Honor Society (10, 11, 12)
Mu Alpha Theta (11, 12)
Science Tutor (12)
100+ Hours at community hospital.</p>

<p>Honors/Stand Out Stuff:
Unsung Hero Award
Participated in Regional Science Olympiad
I'm in a ska band and I played, recorded, and produced our CD in my home studio.
I started a small company (under the government's table) and DJ around town.
I speak fluent Russian.</p>

I like upper-small to medium sized schools (4-10k). Money is of no object. I want to go pre-med and if possible on an accelerated track. I am okay with any region of the US. I really am okay with colleges as long as they have available research.</p>

<p>Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction towards a school I have a (somewhat) sure shot of getting into.</p>

<p>Try uc Davis or maybe San diego</p>

<p>Thanks for the suggestion.</p>

<p>bumb 10char</p>

<p>The ping-pong table goes BUMP!</p>

<p>Lots of chicagoans here tonight =)</p>

<p>if you’re looking for safeties, U of I or Indiana are popular choices, Loyola has a med program I think. Matches, Northwestern?
You’ve got good stats, you could get in easily at pretty much any school out of the top 40 or so…its hard to name matches and safeties when you have many options.</p>

<p>U tebya pravdo bol’shoi vibor. Poprobui v Top 20, kuda-to tochno poidesh ! xD</p>

<p>Yaaay, Russians, haha.
For proof - sheep.disturber roughly said, “You seriously have a large selection. Try the Top 20, where you will definitely (be able?) to go.” And, thank you haha.</p>

<p>Thanks Ellie, I have already applied to U of I and Northwestern, haha. Once I get my rejection/acceptance for U of I I will see whether or not I need to apply to Loyola, haha. And yes, It is very hard. That is why I am in this predicament. </p>

<p>I just feel like my essays are kind of weak and everyone says that’s the really important part for prestigious unis. Haha, damn my non-native English skills.</p>

<p>Johns Hopkins seems the most viable option for you. I’d consider applying there for sure, especially if you want to go pre-med. You have strong stats. What about Brown PLME? Or lets see…I’m not too knowledgeable about pre-med programs.
I’m sure you’ll end up going somewhere great.</p>

<p>Thanks vbplayer. I visited Johns Hopkins and didn’t like the environment too much. Felt like a playground prison. But, yes I am applying to Brown, but PLME is out of the question seeing as I have yet to cure malaria in Swaziland ^.^ But anyway, thanks for the suggestions although this thread was asking for safties, hehe.</p>

<p>To the top!</p>

<p>Oh I’m sorry! Haha I completely forgot to read your little intro :confused: sorry about that
BUTTT what about some of these schools for more safeties:
You might want to just apply to your local colleges/universities or larger state schools. If you do well there (like 4.0ish) you will have no problem getting into a fantastic graduate school (with test scores, etc bla bla bla).
Or UCSD, Boston University, Pittsburgh, U Washington perhaps?</p>

<p>Good luck and sorry again :P</p>