Review admit???

<p>Can anyone who was review admit tell me your stats or if you got blinn team or wait list anything will help. I have been on step 3 forever!!!!</p>

<p>I got blinn team. 1170 SAT composite, top 11%. Tons of leadership and comm. service. Tons, as in I had to send in additional resume b/c it wouldn’t fit on their form.</p>

<p>Hey! Here are my stats. I am review admit. I heard back in jan 2012. Sorry, this might be long. </p>


<p>major: Molecular & Cell Biology </p>

<p>Class rank: 88/751 (top 12% at very competitive HS)
GPA: 4.6644
ACT: Compsoite 27, Math 29, Science 25, Reading 26, English 27, Essay 9/12
SAT subject test: math level 2 - 710</p>

<p>2 Essays: wrote about being a partner for a girl at her quinceanera and importance of classical music education
Resume: I sent my extensive resume by mail to all my schools</p>

<p>EC: Compete in TMSCA/UIL competitions (competed in Math, Calculator Applications, number sense, computer science, science, and current events), Com Sci Club (compete in programming competitions), Mu Alpha Theata, Latino Club, in highest level Orchestra (violinst), martial arts (used to do karate, now do Kuk Sool won and tricking), Houston Youth Symphony, volunteer performing as violinst at my church, and NHS</p>

<p>Awards: placed at TMSCA state in my freshman yr in calculator apps, placed in all TMSCA/UIL competitions locally, made TMEA Region and Area Orchestra, placed in orchestra competitions, got into AFA summer orchestra conservatory</p>

<p>Service: volunteer at my church’s music ministry, assistant instructor of the kid’s classes at my martial art school, volunteer at fifth grade strings program, nhs tutor</p>

<p>Other: took the toughest curriculum at my school (full of AP/preap/GT courses), in my resume I indicated I almost made National Hispanic Recognition Program (off by 7 pts ><), and Rice University summer school</p>

<p>As long as u are an all-round person who takes advantage of ur school’s ap/honors courses, you will get in! Good luck and Gig 'em! :)</p>

<p>I just heard back this week they offered me Blinn TEAM.
GPA 3.92
SAT composite 1280
Top 15%
I don’t have many extra curriculars just a few clubs but i did get two letter of recommendation and worked really hard on my essays. I’m really dissapointed but hopefully i will be able to transfer in the spring.</p>

<p>don’t count on being able to transfer in the spring. go ahead and check with admissions about that plan now. one of the requirements is 24 completed hours, and i didn’t get the impression that they wavered on this much.</p>

<p>I already talked to a counselor i’ll have 44 credits by the time i graduate high school. I only need two classes to meet transfer requirements for a biology major. The counselor said a could take the two classes over the summer and apply for spring tansfer in october. I should have 60 credits at the end of the summer.</p>

<p>Be careful about what you are hearing regarding the transfer. Most of the transfer programs stipulate 24 hours of college credit AFTER high school graduation. While the dual credit, AP and IB hours count toward your total, they don’t generally count for transfers.</p>

<p>My son is also still on step 3, applied Dec. 1. Not holding out much hope anymore and it will be his class rank that decides it. His HS is a magnet school ranked #21 in Newsweek’s America’s Best High Schools but the A&M rep that visited his campus last October flat out told the students their magnet school education doesn’t mean a thing if they aren’t top 10%. My son’s rank isn’t even top 25%, at 89/192. But he worked very hard and made all A’s every single semester at a competitive, college-prep HS so he’s been offered decent $$ to attend other colleges and universities. But, A&M is still his #1 choice…</p>

<p>Other STATS
Majors: Agriculture and Life Sciences, Ecological Restoration and Renewal Natural Resources.
-SAT 1310 (700 math, 610 reading)
-GPA 3.88
-6 AP classes
-will graduate HS with 27 dual college credits
-Latin awards
-working on his Eagle
-certified this past November in Texas as a fire fighter, earned at his HS’s Fire Fighter Academy (one of a hand full of high school’s in the country to have this program)
-3 essays (well written, one about being evacuated during the Central Texas fires that tied in to his fire fighter training, and a second about saving a hear attack victim while on an EMS ride-out as part of his Fire Fighter training)
-3 teacher’s recs
-1 resume detailing all of his community service and steady work history. </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>I already talked to a counselor i’ll have 44 credits by the time i graduate high school. I only need two classes to meet transfer requirements for a biology major. The counselor said a could take the two classes over the summer and apply for spring transfer in october. I should have 60 credits at the end of the summer.</p>

<p>an admissions counselor from a&m? well, i hope that works for you, but it certainly was not how it worked for my daughter when she wanted to transfer in after one semester, she did not have 60 credits, though.</p>

<p>just make sure.</p>

<p>I’m not sure if it’s what y’all are referring to, but it is possible to apply for transfer admission in the spring of your freshman year for admission the following fall semester. The way it works is that you apply by the normal deadlines and you’re initially turned down for lack of hours. But they keep your application on file and then, after spring semester is over, you send them an updated transcript and they re-evaluate your application, this time counting your spring semester hours and grades.</p>

<p>You can find the rule on this page: [Ways</a> to be Admitted](<a href=“]Ways”> Third paragraph down.</p>

<p>Both my daughters were admitted to TAMU that way; one from Blinn TEAM, one from another university.</p>

<p>this person is talking abut transferring in after one semester.</p>

<p>Dang… Looking at other people’s stats I’m pretty grateful I got into Blinn Team! </p>

<p>Don’t get me wrong, I have a 3.88 GPA and top 11%, but my SAT composite is 1180 and I have almost NO leadership/extracurricular activities, unless you count JV tennis. I guess deciding factors could be different on each application, as my essays were decent and I showed interest in the school.</p>

<p>Okay hers’s what i found on the blinn TEAM site
“A TEAM student may enroll in a total of six A&M hours during the summer. A TEAM student may enroll in a total of six Blinn hours per summer term. The combined maximum limit for summer school courses is 14 hours. Exceptions to these guidelines will be approved only under extenuating circumstances.”
I said i hoped to transfer in the spring because i’m not sure if they will let me take the courses i need. If i took calculus(8 Credits) at Blinn and Chemistry(6 Credits) at A&M that would give me 14 hours. But it says i need 8 Chemistry credits to transfer. So that would mean i have to take 16 hours, Chemistry at Blinn (8) Calculus at A&M (8).
I did talk to a counselor but it was only over the phone. She said i could take Chemistry and calculus over the summer but i don’t think she actually calculated the numbers. Or maybe this rule doesn’t apply to students before the fall semester?
In any case i’m prepared to beg them to let me take the clases if i have to. I mean i do have a 4.0 in college and i’ll have 44 credits at the end of the semester.
I’ll know more when i actually sit down and talk to a counselor.</p>

<p>So how are we supposed to get an answer back about our admission decisions when the whole university is closed today?</p>

<p>thats what i was wondering they said within 2 wks and then didnt even keep to that</p>

<p>According to another poster who had called the admissions office on Wed, the staff who were entering decisions were working all week and the system was updating each night. She posted that they were updating about 2,000 applications each day. I had heard from another source that they were updating files in alpha order at this point, and our last name starts with WYS, so still waiting…</p>

<p>I would rather just be rejected so I don’t have to check my status so much. It’s the last school I need to hear back from. A&m is so not worth it for all of this. The facilities are pretty awful and you are basically stuck in a bubble of college station.</p>

<p>I respectfully disagree Revlon. A&M has excellent science labs - my D is a senior chem major. There are new facilities built or renovated pretty much every year. The campus is well cared for and CS is a good mid-sized town that has everything a typical college student needs. If you feel that negatively about the school, I suggest you take a different offer and not wait for their decision. If you’re trolling, then please post a picture of your cat. ;)</p>

<p>Oh well my last name starts with WH so i guess that makes sense</p>

<p>so, when will everything be updated?</p>