Reviewed my submitted supp, then it turned YELLOW!!!

<p>Yeah, my supplement after I submitted it turned green. However, I opened it to review it quickly b/c im OCD (review supplement submitted on 12/27/2008). But after I viewed it, my supplement showed as incomplete and I can't access one of my college status trackers anymore! Anyone experiencing something similar?</p>

<p>My supplement is yellow, my app is green, and my payment is red. I don’t have answers though.</p>

<p>i emailed them, and they fixed this problem. my supp is green now. however my payments are still red but say submitted.</p>

<p>yea my payments are doing the same thing. i dont know why</p>

<p>this happened to me when i reviewed my app after i submitted the app, supplement and payment for chicago. i freaked out, and then it later said that the college downloaded it and it was still yellow. but then next time i logged in, it all switched to green. so i think it’s okay…</p>

<p>the important thing is that they say submitted. Same thing happened to me but it changed iself back eventually. Don’t worry.</p>