<p>British Acts and Colonial Responses
British Act Colonial Response(s)
Writs of Assistance, 1760 Challenged laws in Massachusetts Supreme Court, lost case
Sugar Act, 1764 Weak protest by colonial legislatures
Stamp Act, 1765 Virginia Resolves, mobs, Sons of Liberty, Stamp Act Congress
Townshend Duties, 1767 Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer, boycott, Boston Massacre
Tea Act, 1773 Boston Tea Party
Intolerable Acts, 1773 First Continental Congress</p>
<p>Navigation Acts (ensure mercantilist trade balance)
Only English ships could carry cargo (with ¾ crew British)
Tobacco, Rice, and fur not be sent anywhere but Britain & Scotland
Pay bounties for US raw goods and put import tax on other nations
Americans couldn’t compete with English manufacturing </p>
<pre><code>Salutary Neglect to maintain loyalty in case of war
<p>Peace of Paris
Ended F&I war
France gives up all east of Mississippi to Britain
Spain gives Florida to British (later gets New Orleans and Louisiana from French)<br>
Proclamation of 1763 (proclamation line)=no colonists settle beyond Appalachians
Intended to calm down Indians
Colonists already settled in the area
Disappointed veterans of the F&I War, they thought thery were fighting to move west<br>
Revenue Acts, (Sugar Act )
Raise money to pay for colonist defense
Criticized for aiding British government instead of aid economy<br>
No right to tax without representation
Boycotts and smuggling
Stamp Act
Not enough money from ^
Papers etc. had to be stamped
English had similar taxes, but colonists thought it was only the beginning
Virginia Resolves=VA house of Burgess denied right of tax
Created Sons of Liberty
England begged repeal
Saved face claim right to tax (Declaratory Act)
Townshend Act
Taxed glass, paper, and TEA (Colonists loved tea)
Boston Tea Party
Revenue to pay royal judges and governors
Before paid by colonists->some government control
Dropped import tax on US stuff->US export more profitable
Sent Redcoats to enforce
Boston Massacre (Same day Townshead Acts, except tea, repealed)
Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer,
Intolerable Acts
Repay colonists for misbehavior
Closed Boston Harbor until they paid
Installed British general as MA governor
Restricted Town Meetings
Quartering Act
United colonies against British
First Continental Congress
All but Georgia
Petitioned parliament to repeal laws (Articles of Association)
One colony attacked-all would aid
Cease trade till Intolerable Acts repealed
Drew colonists together<br>
Second Continental
Declaration of Independence
Articles of Confederation
Lacked taxing authority (huge war debt didn’t improve)
Couldn’t rally troops to enforce
Shay’s Rebellion=farmers couldn’t pay taxes<br>
One state-one vote (big states more taxes, but same representation)
More state power than fed. power
Maryland wouldn’t ratify till Ohio valley ceded
Land Ordinance: raise fed. money through sale of western land
Northwest Ordinance: organized Northwest territory
West would be new states not expansions of old ones
Outlawed slavery<br>
Treaty of Paris (Peace of Paris)
Borders set along Canada, Mississippi, Spanish Florida
Constitutional Convention
Planned by Annapolis Convention
All but RI
Connecticut Compromise (Great Compromise)= bicameral house, combine -><br>
Virginia Plan=big states (representatives based on population)
New Jersey Plan=small states (1 representative for each state)
Slaves declared 3/5 a person</p>