<p>The Outlines I've made so far-good luck to you all!</p>
<p>British Acts and Colonial Responses
British Act Colonial Response(s)
Writs of Assistance, 1760 Challenged laws in Massachusetts Supreme Court, lost case
Sugar Act, 1764 Weak protest by colonial legislatures
Stamp Act, 1765 Virginia Resolves, mobs, Sons of Liberty, Stamp Act Congress
Townshend Duties, 1767 Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer, boycott, Boston Massacre
Tea Act, 1773 Boston Tea Party
Intolerable Acts, 1773 First Continental Congress</p>
<p>Navigation Acts (ensure mercantilist trade balance)
Only English ships could carry cargo (with ¾ crew British)
Tobacco, Rice, and fur not be sent anywhere but Britain & Scotland
Pay bounties for US raw goods and put import tax on other nations
Americans couldnt compete with English manufacturing </p>
<pre><code>Salutary Neglect to maintain loyalty in case of war
<p>Peace of Paris
Ended F&I war
France gives up all east of Mississippi to Britain
Spain gives Florida to British (later gets New Orleans and Louisiana from French)<br>
Proclamation of 1763 (proclamation line)=no colonists settle beyond Appalachians
Intended to calm down Indians
Colonists already settled in the area
Disappointed veterans of the F&I War, they thought thery were fighting to move west<br>
Revenue Acts, (Sugar Act )
Raise money to pay for colonist defense
Criticized for aiding British government instead of aid economy<br>
No right to tax without representation
Boycotts and smuggling
Stamp Act
Not enough money from ^
Papers etc. had to be stamped
English had similar taxes, but colonists thought it was only the beginning
Virginia Resolves=VA house of Burgess denied right of tax
Created Sons of Liberty
England begged repeal
Saved face claim right to tax (Declaratory Act)
Townshend Act
Taxed glass, paper, and TEA (Colonists loved tea)
Boston Tea Party
Revenue to pay royal judges and governors
Before paid by colonists->some government control
Dropped import tax on US stuff->US export more profitable
Sent Redcoats to enforce
Boston Massacre (Same day Townshead Acts, except tea, repealed)
Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer,
Intolerable Acts
Repay colonists for misbehavior
Closed Boston Harbor until they paid
Installed British general as MA governor
Restricted Town Meetings
Quartering Act
United colonies against British
First Continental Congress
All but Georgia
Petitioned parliament to repeal laws (Articles of Association)
One colony attacked-all would aid
Cease trade till Intolerable Acts repealed
Drew colonists together<br>
Second Continental
Declaration of Independence
Articles of Confederation
Lacked taxing authority (huge war debt didnt improve)
Couldnt rally troops to enforce
Shays Rebellion=farmers couldnt pay taxes<br>
One state-one vote (big states more taxes, but same representation)
More state power than fed. power
Maryland wouldnt ratify till Ohio valley ceded
Land Ordinance: raise fed. money through sale of western land
Northwest Ordinance: organized Northwest territory
West would be new states not expansions of old ones
Outlawed slavery<br>
Treaty of Paris (Peace of Paris)
Borders set along Canada, Mississippi, Spanish Florida
Constitutional Convention
Planned by Annapolis Convention
All but RI
Connecticut Compromise (Great Compromise)= bicameral house, combine -><br>
Virginia Plan=big states (representatives based on population)
New Jersey Plan=small states (1 representative for each state)
Slaves declared 3/5 a person </p>
<p>Age of Jackson 1824-
Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, Polk</p>
Common School (Horace Mann)
Jackson didnt hate, just wanted them out of the way
Indian Removal Act=move Indians east of Mississippi to Oklahoma
Trail of Tears
Henry Clay only protestor
Cherokee appealed to Supreme Court: Worcester v. Virginia
Sided w/ Indians->moved anyways<br>
Santa Ana becomes President of Mexico->Texas declares Independence<br>
Battle of the Alamo
Texas desires annexation (slave state)
Would upset balance
*Economic </p>
<pre><code> American System (Republicans and Whigs)
Support Industry: Protect industry with high tariffs
*Tariff of Abominations (1828) (milder 1832)
North: happy, increased foreign prices->sold more N. products
West: ok, revenue raised for roads etc.
South: hated, no factories & no roads
<p>South Carolina Nullification Crisis=only tariffs for fed. not regions
Henry Clay negotiates (1833)
Introduced possibility of state secession Create Physical Infrastructure: Government investments in infrastructure (especially transportation)
Labor demands encouraged immigration
Demand for capital attracted foreign investment
Connected West and East
Create Financial Infrastructure: National Bank with policies that promote enterprise growth
*Bank of the United States
Good: Stability, requiring banks to keep adequate gold/silver reserves
Bad: corruption
Due to expire->Clay wanted to extend->Jackson vetos
Money moved to pet banks (chosen by loyalty to Democrats)
Panic of 1837 (Van Buren)
Land only sold for silver or gold (specie circular) </p>
Regional differences lead to 2 party system
South/west: Jacksonian Democrats
North: Adams Republicans
1824=1st modern election (demise of caucus)
Required parties to respond to people and define their issues
More people voted
Lower voting restrictions+people rather than electoral college (congressional caucus) chose candidates=more democracy </p>
Supported by the average guy
<p>Didnt believe all men equal, but that all men had equal chance to succeed
Increased Presidential power
Spoils system
Changed Qualifications from capability to support
Aided political machines
Corrupted government </p>
<pre><code>Republicans (1st term)
John Quincy Adams
Whigs (named after opposition to British king, like King Andrew) (2nd term)
John C. Calhoun (Vice President)
South Carolinian
Peggry Eaton drew wedge between him and Jackson
Jackson favored VanBuren
Resigned->senator of SC
Favored states rights
<p>Daniel Webster
Influenced Lincoln
Henry Clay
Divided on major issues: (South & North) slavery, tariffs
Died 1850 (no more Jackson)</p>
<pre><code> Clay:
Speaker of House (got w/corrupt bargain)
American System
Missouri Compromise
Jacksons VP
Petticoat Affair
Nullification Crisis (made Jackson hate)
Population Growth
Irish: potato famine, NY/Boston, politically savvy, discriminated<br>
Germans: wealthier, better educated, Midwest
Know Nothing Party (American Party)=rejected immigrants & Catholics
Torn apart by North vs. South
John Smith=NY->Nauvoo Illinois
Brigham Young=Utah<br>
Utopian Communities
Shakers=celibacy leads to end of movement
Oneida=based on production of goods, promiscuity encouraged<br>
Brook Farm= based on agriculture
Hawthorne, Emerson,
Elizabeth Stanton
Susan B. Anthony
Overshadowed by slavery and Civil War<br>
Dred Scott Case=blacks not citizens, no right to sue
Made North mad
Underground Railroad<br>
William Lloyd Garrison=wrote the liberator
Fredrick Douglas=North Star </p>
Slave vs. Free (already 15 slave and 15 free)
Compromise of 1850 (lots of fives)
CA free state
NM and Utah territories (slavery 2 be settled later)
Texas given $10 million (cover its war debt)<br>
Slave Trade abolished in DC (slavery continue)
Fugitive Slave Law
All blacks at risk
Put off Civil War
Kansas and Nebraska Acts
Where should Railroad go?
Shortest route: New Orleans->Texas->CA
Stephan Douglas owned land in Chicago
(land given to Indians)
Organized area into Kansas & Nebraska
Repealed Missouri Compromise 1820 Slavery decided by popular sovereignty
Bloody Kansas
Killed Whig Party->Free Soil Party & Republicans<br>
John Brown=revolt in Harpers Ferry (hung, martyr)
Wilmot Proviso
Slavery would be prohibited in Mexican territories
Lincoln vs. Douglas
Race for Illinois senate
Douglas made to look pro-slavery (wasnt)
Lincoln made to look abolitionist (wasnt)
Freeport Doctrine=Kansas vs. Dred Scott
Lincoln Elected
States Seceded </p>
Manifest Destiny
Mexican War
Polk wanted CA (but Mexico still angry about Texas)
Captured Mexico city=all but ended the war
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
CA, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, most of New Mexico, and parts of Wyoming and Colorado
Dropped Claims to Texas
Polk payed 18.25 million
Lincoln disapproved
Henry David Thoreau=peacefully refused to pay tax (wrote Civil Disobedience)->later inspired civil rights groups
Training ground for Civil War 15 years later
Split nation-new states free or slave? </p>
<pre><code> Oregon
54 40 or fight
Compromise at 49
Gold Rush
Massive migrations (1 of every 90 people headed west)
High Costs of supplies + little success=many failures
Big Four=made fortune selling overpriced supplies
Importance of CA led to proposal for transcontinental railroad
Homestead Act=160 Acres anyone who would cultivate
Destitute, ended up being owned by railroad </p>
<p>Industrial Revolution:
Hays, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison, Cleveland, McKinley</p>
Pendleton Act=ended spoils system
*Foreign </p>
<pre><code>Spanish American War
America more interested in Cuba for sugar and tobacco
Cuba Revolts against Spain
Americans excited by yellow journalism
Sinking of Maine (actually a gunpowder explosion)->US declares war
Cost little, gained much (Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico, and Phillipines)
Gain Hawaii
<pre><code>Out West
Mining->Instant Towns->New States
Ranching-age of cowboy (beef worth 10 times back east drive them there)
Farmer-cultivated land doubles from 1870-1900
Indians ousted (killed buffalo)-> all on 2 reservations
Little Big Horn/Custer (defend gold found in sacred black hills)
<p>Grange Movement=come together for social and economic reasons-> Farmers alliance (populist party) </p>
<pre><code>Civil Rights
Plessy vs. Ferguson=separate but equal
Jim Crow Laws=separate races, literacy tests
Booker T. Washington=urged accommodation,
Yellow Peril(Chinese)=competitive labor
Chinese Exclusion Act=no Chinese immigration (not repealed until 1943)
Immigrants moved to big cities (1/3 citizens)=more laborers
Bad Conditions, slums/tenements
<p>Wanted higher crop prices, lower interest rates, free coinage of silver (Democrats)
William Jennings Bryan<br>
Granges + Knights of Labor (Urbans preferred Democratic Machines)
Gap between rich and poor
Whiskey Ring=politicians involved in the sale of bootleg liquor<br>
Tweed Ring= Part of Tammeny Hall group (controlled New York business, Boss Tweed)
Gospel of Success=achievement through success, Social Darwinism, Gospel of Wealth
YMCA, Salvation Army, and Hull Houses(Jane Addams)
Womens Christian Temperance Union and beginnings of womens movements </p>
<p>*Economic </p>
America becomes worlds leading manufacturer
Inventions-Telephone, light bulb,
Railroads 1830->
<p>Laid on Federal Land grants
Created Towns, employment, Time zones, telegraph system, new industries
Steel (robber baron- Carnegies Gospel of Wealth=give to charity)
Vanderbilt (railroad)
J.P. Morgan (General Electric and US Steel Corp.)<br>
Oil (robber baron-Rockefeller)
Trusts=monopoly over a given industry (eliminated middle man, but no competition)
Laissez Faire Government=hands off big business </p>
National Labor Union=1st union, drew skilled craftsmen
<p>Knights of Labor=Had both craft unionists and industrial unionists, (women, blacks and immigrants also allowed)
Haymarket Square (strikers and police), Pullman Strike (paralyzed trains), Homestead Strike (against Carnegie Steel) ->bad public opinion of unions<br>
American Federation of Labor= craft unionists from Knights, only skilled workers<br>
Simple polices: (8 hour days), right of collective bargaining (no blacks) </p>
<p>Business Regulation
Interstate Commerce Act 1887=stop railroads from price discrimination
Sherman Antitrust Act=outlawed trusts (hardly enforced, but led to reform later)
Regulated unions (cant strike) </p>
<p>Imperialism </p>
*Economic </p>
<p>Progressive Era </p>
*Economic </p>
*Economic </p>
<p>20s </p>
*Economic </p>
<p>Depression </p>
*Economic </p>
*Economic </p>
<p>Progressive Era
T Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, Harding, Coolidge</p>
<p> Backlash against the excesses and corruption of the Industrial Revolution led to a fervor for reform. Reform stretched across economic, environmental, social, and racial lines.
In foreign affairs through the first half of the Progressive Era, the U.S. continued to assert its power through militaristic and economic means, particularly in the Western Hemisphere. Woodrow Wilson rejected this aggressive foreign policy in favor of a more idealistic one, but the outbreak of World War I interrupted his plans.
*Social </p>
<p>Muckrakers=exposing evils of machine politics, child labor, food preparation (often published in magazines)
18th Amendment (1920)
Anti-Saloon League
Food Reforms<br>
Meat Inspection Act
Upton Sinclair, The Jungle
Pure Food and Drug Act
Stopped inaccurately labeled foods and drugs
Environmental Reforms
National Conservation Commission=inventories natural resources and suggest preservation tactics
Creates national parks and monuments<br>
Factory System
Migrate to cities
Great migration=blacks move north (Jim Crow laws &lynching)
AFL membership 4 million by 1920s
Another generation before unions became national force
Wobblies= favored action, one union for all trades<br>
Unskilled, minorities, women
Died-accused of socialism
Assembly line made cheap
New industries-tires, roadside diners, gas<br>
Didnt take off until WWI
Interstate Commerce Commission
Set maximum rates
Rate discrimination<br>
Sherman Antitrust Act 1890=break up standard oil
Signed by Harrison, but used by TR
TR busted 44 trusts
Taft busted 90 trusts
Prevent monopolies or arrangements that raised prices
Square Deal=term used by TR for his domestic policies
Fair agreement between business and consumers/workers
Womens Rights<br>
More women working (factory)
Jeanette Pickering Rankin=1st woman in congress
American Birth Control League 1921=Margaret Sanger
Black men first (15th amendment)=angry
Wyoming territory gives female suffrage (1869)
Susan B. Anthony=National American Women Suffrage Association
19th amendment (1920, after WWI)<br>
Vote so they could begin real reforms for equality
Eugenics=genetic manipulation become all white/all protestant
Civil Rights
Booker T. Washington=patience and development of skills
W.E.B. Du Bois=immediate change
National Association for Advancement of Colored people
Plessy vs. Furgeson=separate but equal </p>
17th amendment=direct election of senators
People take role in government
Election of 1912 (split Republicans)
Taft (TRs chosen successor) turns from TRs Corollary ($diplomacy)
TR chooses to run against him->forms Progressive (Bull Moose Party)
Most successful 3rd party ever
Democrat, Wilson wins<br>
*Foreign </p>
<p>Imperialism=we can run your country better than you can
Open Orient
Prevent other nations from grabbing
Make US world military power (military bases)
McKinley (educate, Christianize and uplift Filipinos)
(T. Roosevelt, McKinley)
Roosevelt Corollary=US police Latin America if couldnt pay debts
LA owed money to Britain and Germany
Monroe: dont intervene vs. TR: only we can intervene
Dollar Diplomacy(Taft)=from big stick to financial investments
Spanish Conquests
Puerto Rico </p>
<pre><code>Hawaii (1898)
US encourages revolt
Panama Canal
Columbia rejects
<p>TR encourages Panama Revolt
Panama grants
Canal opens 1914
Cut trip (NY to CA) in half
Building process plagued by malaria and yellow fever
Discover malaria is spread by mosquitoes
Eliminate bugs->work succeeds
Russo-Japanese War
Concern for balance of power
TR aids in peace treaty (gets Nobel peace prize) Anti-imperialism
Laborers feared competition
Business leaders feared foreign business would divert capital
(Carnegie, Mark Twain, Samuel Gompers) </p>
<p>*Economic </p>
<pre><code>Underwood Tariff 1913
1st reduction in tariff since before civil war
<p>Federal Reserve Act 1913
Divided country into 12 districts each with own bank and board of directors
Federal Income Tax 1913
Richer people pay more taxes
16th amendment </p>
<p>1950s: Truman & Eisenhower </p>
<p>Cold War </p>
<pre><code>Commies in Greece and Turkey->
<p>Truman Doctrine= support those fighting commies<br>
Marshall Plan: Gave money to nations to recover after WWII
Point 4 Program: jr. ^ (Asia, Latin America, and Africa)
NATO: aid any nation attacked
Soviets form Warsaw Treaty
Commies take over Czechoslovakia
Berlin Blockade
Berlin Air Lift
Berlin split
Space Race
Sputnik: obliterated American assumption of its Nuclear superiority
Overhaul of American education system
Arms Race
H bomb
New Look=more nuclear weapons than ground fights<br>
Mutal Assured Destruction (MAD)= whoever launched attack would be attacked
CIA aids secretly
Ends w/ detent (relax tensions) </p>
<p>Korean War 1950-1953 (under UN flag)</p>
<p>Fight against Red China<br>
North Korea: Commi & South Korea: US
US & UN send troops to help South (MacArthur) push N.
Chinese help North, push back S. to 38th<br>
Armistice: treaty leaving same boundaries as before </p>
<p>Suez Canal </p>
<pre><code>Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalises canal
Eisenhower Doctrine= US appose Soviet Aggression w/ troops
Humming, lots of jobs, GI Bill of Rights
Lots of Government Spending
Taft-Hartley Act: Restricts Unions (No more closed shop)
Employers didnt have to hire only union members
Fair Deal: Truman tries to extend New Deal (only expansion of unemployment benefits went through, but inspired LBJs Great Society)
Interstate Highway Act-ended depressions w/ jobs, miles of interstate highways, more homogenious culture, undermined railroad and environment
(Eisenhower) Average twice income of boom of 1920s<br>
Unions and Businesses merged (AFL-CIO) </p>
<p>Social </p>
<pre><code>Baby booming
Spocks Baby and Child Care tells women to stay at home
More Religion
Red Scare
Smith Act: no conspiracy for overthrowing government
Alger Hiss & Rosenburgs arrested as spies
McCarthyism= Joe McCarthy accuses commis
TV: Nixon vs. JFK
Increased stereotyping
Playboy, Barbie, Elvis
<p>1960s: JFK, LBJ </p>
<pre><code>Bay of Pigs 1961=US backed troops rebel against commi, Castro
Locals didnt join in
Encouraged USSR to build berlin wall and test nuclear weapons
Kennedy forms Peace Corps
Cuban Missile Crisis
Soviets put missiles in Cuba (could attack US)
Navy blockaded Cuba
Khrushchev agreed remove missiles if US wouldnt invade Cuba
<p>Vietnam (no UN flag) 1965-1973</p>
<pre><code>Fight against Viatnamies
Viatcong (north) v. South and US
WWII gives Indochina back to French from Japan
<p>French Indochina in communist rebellion
N.=commi & S.=democracy
Geneva Conference= splits Vietnam 17th parallel<br>
US wont sign /Domino Theory (Eisenhower)
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution= U.S. Navy ship Maddux fired on->send troops to Vietnam
Tet Offensive= commi attacks
Shown on tv-> US realized not so easy, more angry people<br>
America confused
Jungle and Geurilla warfair undid US efforts
Paris Accords=N. took over whole country
Americas 1st decisive defeat </p>
New Frontier=JFKs theory liberal (contrasted w/ Eisenhower)
Good Cabinet<br>
Kennedy shot by Oswald
Great Society LBJ: eliminate poverty and racial injustice,
Medicare Act
Economic Opportunity Act
Abandoned for Vietnam
Draft burning
March against death
Homosexuality embraced more
Rachel Carsons silent spring ->environmental issues </p>
<p>Civil Rights </p>
<pre><code>Brown v. BOE, Topeka=segregation in schools unconstitutional
School in Little Rock w/ fed troops escorts black students
Civil Rights Act 1964=outlawed segregation
Voting Rights Act=removes literacry tests (black votes double)
Southern Christian Leaders Conference
Assassinated by James Earl Ray
<p>Malcolm X=violent, muslim
Black Power Movement
Race Riots (Watts in LA) </p>
<p>La Raza=Mexican movement lead by Chicanos (Cesar Chavez) </p>
<p>Native Americans= Indian Civil Rights Act
Gave US rights but allowed them to settle in their own customs </p>
<pre><code>1970-women earned 0.60 for every male dollar
National Organization of Women (NOW)
Equal Rights Ammendment=not passed
Roe vs. Wade (1973)= legalized abortion in first 3 months
The Feminine Mystique (Betty Friedan)= break free of domestic roles
<p>1970s: Nixon, Ford, Carter </p>
<p>Watergate </p>
<p>5 men from CREEP (Committee Re-elect President) break into Watergate Hotel to steal Democratic Election Plans
Nixon denies any knowledge (Turned in by Deep Throat)
Secret Tapes reveal new side of Nixon
Nixon Quits </p>
<p>*Foreign </p>
<p>Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
Limited arms between USSR and US
Sparked hope for agreement between powers
Camp David Accord </p>
<pre><code>Deal between Egypt and Israel
<p>Iran </p>
<pre><code>Shah of Iran comes to US for treatment
Hostages held at Embassy
Shah died
Hostages freed last day of Carters term
<p>*Economy </p>
<p>Inflation soaring
Ford didnt reduce dependence on foreign oil->jacked up oil prices
Using more oil than it was producing </p>
<p>*Social </p>
<p>Nixon Doctrine: pledged US from protector to military partner
3 strikes against Ford: Nixon Pardon, humiliation in Vietnamn, bad economy
Carter starts his term with pardon to Vietnam draft evaders </p>
<p>1980s: Reagan</p>
<p>Social </p>
<pre><code>Christian Evangelism->conservative politics
TV Evangelism
Teflon President
<p>Economics </p>
<pre><code>Tax cuts
Cut taxes for businesses and wealthy->investment-> trickle down
Seemed to work, but led to depression at end of term
Didnt cut national spending+less taxes+expensive devices=
<p>Increased national debt to 3 trillion<br>
Foreign Affairs </p>
<p>Strategic Defense Initiative=missile-destroying lasers in space (wasnt passed) </p>
<p>Now get some sleep!!!!!!!!!!</p>