<p>Hi! I'm Ben, a current sophomore in HS, and I'm wondering what kind of stats one really needs to get into RHP.
As of now I have a 4.0 Unweighted (our school doesn't weight, but if weighted I believe it would be around a 4.6/4.7 or maybe more).
I have basically taken all honors courses (our school is Pre-IB, so not really any APs offered) with the exception of AP Calculus. Next year I will be dual enrolled for mathematics, taking all IB courses, and three IB sciences.
I am VP of Model UN, Prez and founder of Spanish club, and secretary of Stu. Gov.
Also, I have some (over 50) volunteer hours, and I do Youth Symphony.
I haven't taken ACT/SAT, but assuming I keep my GPA up, what do you think my shots are at RHP?
Also, I'm interested in Bacc/MD at USC, in addition to RHP. Have many people done this, and do you have to have a resume made out of gold to get in?
Any advice/comments/messages/etc. encouraged.
Also, if you are thinking about RHP next year I would be interested in chatting :)</p>