Rice/Baylor Interview

<p>What is it like? How was your experience attending the interview? (for past students/those who are knowledgeable about it)</p>

<p>The R/B interview is a pretty intense process, but it’s not really something you can prepare for. Basically, they take fifty of you and host you at Baylor for the day…you talk with current R/B students, take tours, learn about Baylor, etc. and interspersed you will be interviewed by both a current BCM faculty member and a current BCM medical student (at separate times).</p>

<p>The questions they ask are more focused on your personality, values, etc. and less (if at all) on grades or anything academic. So, please please don’t study up on anything medical or stuff like that. It’s kind of like a college interview but more intense.</p>

<p>Honestly, I don’t remember much of my interview, because it honestly felt like more of a conversation than an interview. Just be sure you can clearly articulate what makes you you, and what inspires you to become a physician.</p>

<p>Do you remember approximately how long are each of the interviews?</p>