Rice RD 2026

same here!

DS Accepted to Rice, Engineering, So excited! Great scholarships and Aid!

Beyond happy!


She is in Polymathic. What about your daughter? Which program is she in?

D22 accepted!! 1570 SAT,3.96 UW, ECs are mostly STEM focused and performing arts. Private school in FL


My kid is also accepted but not major mentioned in the offer letter even he applied CS. Does your offer letter mention the major? Thanks.


No mention of major.

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Rice does not admit by major. Students can major in anything they wish and do not have to declare a major until the end of sophomore year. The only exceptions are music and architecture which require audition/portfolio. Students are asked to indicate their interest in a major on the application but it is not binding.


waitlisted by both

Has anyone seen stats on acceptance rate yet?

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For waitlist it has ranged from 0.001% to 8% the last 5 years.

We apply to bioengineering. Is that mean that DC can declare CS in the end of sophomore and there is no restriction as for the DC to register CS classes in freshman. Can DC declare CS as the major in freshman?

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D22 accepted (!), nothing about either merit or need-based aid yet. For those who are reporting specific scholarship awards, was this info in the letter, on the portal, or elsewhere? Merit aid is unlikely, but hoping for strong need-based aid based on NPC.

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D22 accepted. She is thrilled. 4.0/4.6- 1580. She was also fortunate to be accepted to WashU and is having a tough time making a decision. Would appreciate any insights from this group.


Yes. My d and her roommate were both BioE majors coming in. By the time they moved in her roommate had already decided to change to something else, maybe neuroscience. I think eventually her roommate switched to CS. D also has a friend who started out in CS and is now Stats and another who started out Pre-Med something and switched many times and finally ended up Mechanical Engineering. My D might be the only person among her friends who has NOT changed major at least once.

You can change majors as many times as you want and don’t have to declare a major at all until the end of sophomore year. However, you do need to meet the requirements of the major to graduate.


He can register for any classes he likes, and can declare a major in any discipline (other than architecture or music). As @PrdMomto1 says, many students change their majors, double major etc. My daughter started out majoring in Psychology but had enough credits to double major in English. Many students come in planning to do one thing but take interesting classes that steer them in another direction. Computer science is one of the most popular majors, but anyone can take computer science classes and/or major in CS.

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My daughter applied to both and chose Rice, but she had good friends that went to Wash U. Both are terrific schools. Both have beautiful campuses in urban areas near the city’s central park and museum area. Wash U has the Greek system while Rice has the residential college system and does not have Greek life. Rice will be hot until about October. Wash U will have a colder winter and snow. Aside from some cold weather in January and early February, Rice’s weather is mostly lovely from October through late April. If possible, visit both of the admitted student days to help clarify your choice.


My D was also accepted to both and chose Rice. For some reason she just didn’t connect with Wash U. I REALLY wanted her to since it’s much closer to home. Unfortunately our visits weren’t timed well - when we toured it was freezing and pouring. Then we stopped by on our way to somewhere else just to see the campus when the weather was nice, but it was at a time when the kids weren’t there (maybe spring break?) so she still didn’t get a feel for what campus was like during a typical school day. The campus felt small to her which is funny because it’s bigger than Rice I believe.

We didn’t visit Rice until after she was admitted. It was a perfect spring day and campus was busy and everyone just seemed so happy. She loved the idea of the residential college system and the campus is beautiful. She likes that it has a definite campus feel but is in a city. She liked the area around Rice a lot more than the area around Wash U - honestly I feel that they are similar but the shopping/eating area near Rice is a lot more “upscale” and felt safer than at Wash U.

Now that she’s a student there she REALLY loves the residential college system. She loves the quirky traditions at Rice as well. She also believes that it has a definite work hard, play hard atmosphere. The students are very nice and not at all competitive. Finally she loves the diversity. It was something she was struck by when we first visited campus.

Honestly, I think they are both great choices. We have a good friend who just graduated from Wash U and loved it. Have you been to both campuses?


My daughter is in Dean’s scholars. Which school are u leaning towards? Rice or UT

She is in Deans Scholars. Which school are you leaning towards ? Rice or UT

Accepted! Over the moon excited. Seems like a great fit.