Rice RD 2026

does rice yield protect people? cuz these are some really impressive stats

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Accepted: Business Division
4.0 W/4.78 UW, 8 APs, 1480 SAT (didn’t submit), strong ECs and essays


Judging by our large, top OOS public, Rice is a very tough admit. We have a sea of red on Naviance amongst the highest stats. They are not yield protecting. They’re using holistic admissions.

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Son waitlisted. Engineering. 1550, NMF, 4.0, highest rigor. We did not visit, and really couldn’t due to COVID, but I think I regret that. He doesn’t want to prolong the agony and said before today that he’d decline a waitlist. We’ll see when he’s really faced with it. He did decline his spot on the waitlist at Northeastern.


oops i dont know how to delete a post, messed up

Exact opposite over here. Rejected at WashU and accepted at Rice.


D22 accepted! From One of the top high schools based in Northern VA known for its rigor .

GPA - 3.98 UW, 4.53 W
SAT - 1560 ( single sitting) , ACT - 35
Great ECs including multiple leadership positions in Olympiad and long term dance commitment. Good essay and Expected good LORs

It’s been one of her most favorite/ dream schools from the past 2 years and the craziness of this year made us wonder if we should have done ED. Grateful for today’s decision

Other acceptances UVA, William and Mary ( Monroe scholar) , Case Western, UMD , Virginia Tech and a couple of safeties
Rejected at UCLA, Cal ( UCB)
Waitlisted at Wash U
REA at Yale deferred

Congratulations to everyone that got accepted and good luck to everyone else.




 3.9/4.6 GPAS. 1480 SAT. rank 6 in class. leadership position in various school clubs
 founded a school club
 national merit comended
 scholastic awards
 multiple writing internships. thought i would get at least waitlist, but oh well. it is what it is


Waitlisted. Washu too :neutral_face:


rejected, international

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D22 accepted! We’re still in shock, lol. She was waitlisted earlier at WashU.

4.0 UW, 36 ACT
7 APs plus multivariable calc (school limits to 6 but she petitioned)
Good chorus/theater-heavy ECs but nothing crazy
Strong essays, same expected for letters of rec

She did have a central story based on languages, and she applied with an interest in linguistics – I bet they don’t see that as much as the STEM fields. Kid is over the moon! Also acceptances from UGA and Furman so far, waitlisted at WashU, still waiting on Northwestern, Emory, Brown, Tulane, Wake Forest and Davidson.


S22 Waitlisted Sport Management
ACT 35
15 APs
Average ECs with decent essays.

(Already rejected ED from WashU. :rofl:)
Good luck to all.

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Son rejected at Rice:

GPA: 4.47 (W)
SAT: 1550
APs: 9 completed; 5 more in sr year
SAT: Math2: 800; Chem:800; Bio:770
Top 3 speaker in speech nationally
Paper published in a pre-collegiate science journal
Had strong EC’s and I think good essays (so subjective). Accepted at WashU that made his day


D22 Accepted - Biochem
1570 SAT (2nd attempt)
Mostly 5s on AP Scores
Top 1% of her class of 550 students
Unfortunately, no aid or scholarship

She also got into UT in the Honors Program for her choice of Major
Unfortunately, no aid or scholarship

80K vs 30K
I don’t think it’s a tough decision but D22 thinks it is :slight_smile:


Same for me! Maybe they talk to each other. Lol

D22 Accepted Computer Science. 4.0 UW, 5.0W, 36 ACT, NMF, National Presidential Scholar Finalist. 100K Trustee Distinguished Scholarship+$5,000 Century Scholars merit scholarship.


OOS S21 loves UT’s Honors Program

Which school are you leaning towards? Rice or UT Austin Honors? My D is in the same situation. Which honors program is your daughter in?

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My daughter accepted CS also with scholarship. She is thrilled!!