<p>I don’t go to Rice (YET) but here’s what I’ve heard about Rice:</p>
<p>Biomed: I find US News’ college ranking list extremely stupid, but Rice is 6 and Duke is 3. That’s evidence to suggest that both colleges have awesome programs. At an undergrad level, I don’t think that is an issue at this level. </p>
<p>Rice: Purely from observation, I feel as if Rice has a very good acceptance level to medical schools. I have a friend who graduated in two years and was off to med school. Especially helps with Bayler being right there and all. But truly, acceptance to graduate and medical school is more based on what you DO at college and not as much where you go. </p>
<p>Facult-Student Interest: Rice has a ratio of 5:1 and Duke has 11:1. That, alone, is enough to tell you how much Rice is truly an undergraduate university. This goes along with the next question, but there is a reason Rice has been voted happiest students: the professors take personal care into their students’ education. Also, being near NASA and the city of Houston, the Engineering and Science departments do a lot of cool things. [Rice</a> students create a new way to feed giraffes at the Houston Zoo - YouTube](<a href=“Rice students create a new way to feed giraffes at the Houston Zoo - YouTube”>Rice students create a new way to feed giraffes at the Houston Zoo - YouTube)</p>
[Improving</a> air quality on Houston buses - YouTube](<a href=“Improving air quality on Houston buses - YouTube”>Improving air quality on Houston buses - YouTube)
these are just two example. look through their other videos on their youtube channel. Has a lot of awesome things… </p>
<p>student life: 10/10. Their three-in-a-row ranking shows you that. Some of my friends at Duke have told me there is a ton of cut-throat competition there, where people steal each others’ projects, deletes each others’ papers… etc. But I can’t exactly speak to that. </p>
<p>Houston is amazing. Clean, modern, big. But if you desire, you may stay inside the peaceful hedges and stay on campus at Rice. </p>
<p>Prestige: most people would quickly say Duke gets this round. But, that also depends on where you go. For a lot of people in the South, if you ask Rice or Harvard, they’ll say Rice. In addition, a lot of upper education people find Duke to be just a little over-rated.</p>
<p>If it were me, I would pick Rice anyday. looks like you’ve got some thinkin to do
good luck!!</p>