<p>I'm a junior and I am torn between these 3 schools for pre-med. I plan to become an ophtho. whcih has selective residencies so I need a good med school after udnergrad.</p>
<p>Add the Rice/Baylor BA/MD program in addition to regular Rice admission.</p>
<p>I need to go to a top 10 med school (Baylor is 10th). Money is a factor for me (I'm not poor, but I have to pay for it myself). Rice seems to be the greatest option. It's pretty cheap compared to the other.</p>
<p>They all seem to have great research (a must-have for med school). Rice has the Texas medical center next door which has BCM (baylor college of med) people work there giving me better chances at getting to know somebody to give me a recommendation with connections.</p>
<p>JHU and WUSTL have huge endowments and NIH grants.</p>
<p>Rice has nearby cheap housing available. I can save on tuition possibly by getting a cheap house to forgo room and board and at the same time being considered ins-state for BCM (Texas med school residents pay 1/3 the price).</p>
<p>If I get into Rice/Baylor then I'd be a fool not to take that. Right?</p>
<p>I want to put my AP credits to use. I can skip a year at WUStL and Rice but not JHU. If I do Rice/Baylor then my skipped year has to be used for something like studying abroad or research.</p>
<p>Do all of these schools offer Howard Hughes fellowships? I think I have a good chance at one of those considering I'm doing a HHMI/NIH internship during my senior year at HS.</p>