<p>i heard that only 25% are 1st and 4th year students. 75% are 2nd and 3rd year. will this hurt my freshmen experience because i have so many upperclassmen in my dorm? will it be hard to get to know them?
also how is rieber terrace? is a shared bath much worse than private bath?
<p>i live in rieber terrace now (i'm a 2nd year) but there are definitely a good number of 1st years living here. it doesn't really matter where you live if you are willing to put yourself out there and meet people (not only freshmen).</p>
<p>i also have a shared bath triple - it's not so bad because we go to class at different times and i haven't fought anyone for the shower/toilet yet.</p>
<p>how many people share a bath?</p>
<p>welll.. if you live in a triple, you'll be sharing with your 2 other roommates + your 3 other suitemates. if you live in a double, you'll be sharing with your roommate and your 2 other suitemates. the bathroom comes with 2 sinks, 2 mirrors, 1 shower, 1 bathroom</p>
<p>how is rieber hall compared to deneve? which is better? advantages/disadvantages of each?</p>
<p>Rieber Hall: Like other residential halls, they tend to be more social. Also, they have at least twice as many people on a floor as De Neve. It costs less. Communal bathrooms. It's farther from campus. Rooms are smaller than De Neve rooms. </p>
<p>De Neve: It's not as social. You have your own private bathroom. It's the closest dorm to campus. They have better dining commons than Rieber's. It's newer. </p>
<p>Search the forum!</p>
i heard that only 25% are 1st and 4th year students. 75% are 2nd and 3rd year.
<p>There is < 10% of 4th years still in dorms. Rieber Terrace next year will be close to 2:1 ratio of 2-3rd year: freshman.</p>
will this hurt my freshmen experience because i have so many upperclassmen in my dorm? will it be hard to get to know them?
<p>This isn't like high school. No one really cares what year you are for most cases. It depends on your intentions of your social life if you want to meet people.</p>
is a shared bath much worse than private bath?
<p>This should not be a problem. Even wiht a triple shared , there have been close to none conflicts with usage of restroom.</p>
<p>i'll be living in reiber hall, wut are hilgard houses???</p>
<p>hilgard houses is housing for graduate students.</p>
<p>then they got it mixed up!!!</p>
<p>nvm...i got it mixed up, they were right, rieber hall...</p>