Rigged Student Council Election at Exeter

More bad judgement from seniors probably on their way to top tier schools…


I wouldn’t be too sure they’re still on their way to top tier schools. Colleges tend to overlook it when kids get expelled from boarding schools right before graduation for alcohol or the like, but dishonesty of this nature is a different thing entirely, and especially as it seems to potentially be racially motivated. (witness Harvard’s recent action to rescind offers of admission to students posting bigoted messages on a Facebook group)

Probably not, at least not this year. The acceptance letter generally requires that the student have received their HS diploma. Regardless, I’m sure PEA will be reporting the incident to colleges.

A school with Exeter’s cash should have done the election online through their portal. We do this where I work (with no $$) and it guarantees no tampering.

If the cheating on a student body election is rigged and appeared in print or was reported to the school administration, I assume the school will take appropriate action. I doubt this situation is consistent with the school’s desire to protect its reputation. How the postsecondary schools are notified and respond to this incident will follow any procedures for both notification and response. The incident is not acceptable to Exeter I assume. The reaction to the receiving schools could vary by institution. You are right to be angered, but after that let it go. Note the punishment for crime differs by jurisdiction and our perception of the crime.

This is somewhat misleading: the election was very close. The boy won (white). The students supporting the girl (indian) demanded a recount. The kids didnt want to do a recount (end of school, etc-plus I am sure they wanted him to win or retain victory) so they added 3 votes. Wrong? Yes. To me it is a side of affect of the minority student groups running the school agenda and the /school administration permitting it. Talk about fomenting resentment. PEA has allowed the school to become a joke. Everything is about minority students and rabid feminists demanding whatever they want: more faculty of their color because they arent comfortable talking to non X colored faculty. The school is simply a vehicle for immature victim mongers.

The article states that they added a few dozen votes. And really, it doesn’t matter (1) what the platform (or gender or race) of the losing candidate was, or (2) how many votes the students added. One would be too many if they changed the vote total at all. And to do it to skirt the school rules for a recount is pretty clearly a major offense. It is blowing smoke to suggest otherwise.

@Center So I assume you are withdrawing your son before he gets tainted further by those “rabid feminists” or has to mingle further with :gasp: minority students??

Wow, some really disturbing justification of cheating and a lack of ethics and morals in that post. 8-|

“Wrong? Yes.” @doschicos Diversity is a good thing: of color, ideas and so on. What is NOT good is what is happening on university campuses and in elite liberal higher education these days. Militantly liberal students bullying speakers and professors they don’t agree with (Evergreen etc). The Obama administration via Title 9 stripped due process for sexual assault cases thus empowering women to cry rape and the accused are guilty until proven innocent: Yale, UVA, Duke, John Doe at Phillips Exeter etc What do these cases have in common? Teens demanding that a school hire more faculty of color because they aren’t comfortable talking to white faculty? The workplace -if they ever get there might be a shock for them. My comment about the election, while noting that what they did was wrong, was simply to say that there is an ugly culture emerging at PEA. Many white students feel trampled on–especially boys. The feminist group disrupted scheduled activities to lecture the student body. The black and latino group caused the last day of classes to be cancelled due to their actvities. They shouldnt be permitted to behave this way but the school is enabling their behavior and empowering them by granting them the bully pulpit.

@center you must have known that most boarding schools have a big proportion of card-carrying liberals no? As I begin to research colleges for my kids. you bet I’m pretty cognizant of the culture and diversity and know where they will fit. UVA is probably not a good fit for my kids and I already know that - and we are white!


“Cry rape”? Title 9? Yale? Evergreen? What does this have to do with scamming a student officer election at a boarding school? I think you’re stretching a bit, and yes, I do think it is justification despite your “Wrong? Yes.” qualifier.

No wonder your kid feels “trampled on” if the perspective he gets at home is the one you keep espousing here on CC so many times about the culture at PEA you seem to find “ugly” - multiple references, first knocking LBGTQ students, then minorities, now “rabid feminists” - I’m not surprised he feels like a victim if that is what he hears from the most central adults in his young life.

So why are you sending your tuition dollars to a school you so strongly have issues with?

As to the cheating incident in the election, sounds like PEA does need a tighter, better system for collecting and tallying votes, but it is sad that that is even needed frankly.

Reviewing the rules:

Statements that are OK to make:
• I perceive from your post…
• I feel _____ by your statement.

Statements that are not OK to make:
• Jane, you ignorant…

Having said that, let’s move on from Title IX, rape, and other topics that have nothing to do with the original post.

Just a shoutout to @skieurope to thank him for the late 70s SNL reference. You’ve renewed my faith in the ute of today.

That just doesn’t get old. Thanks for making my day, @skieurope.

Thanks go to SkiDad and YouTube. :slight_smile:

Different methods, but vulnerable almost certainly unless your IT person assumes that all vendors are compromised and checks for security updates daily.

Worth watching some defcon videos and taking a look at the packages that come with Kali Linux. It’s sobering.

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“A school with Exeter’s cash should have done the election online through their portal. We do this where I work (with no $$) and it guarantees no tampering.”

I find this so funny because I find their website one of the worst and their application process was by far the least streamline. I often found myself saying throughout their process “I’m pretty tech savvy and I can’t figure this out” thank goodness I had a 15 year old to show me what to do!

Agreed @momof3swimmers my guess is that they felt they could do it better than gateway. It’s clearly designed in house and not very well done.