Right track for a Rising Junior?

<p>Hi guys,
Thanks for reading this! I know it's too early to really tell but I appreciate your opinions and advice.
I'm a sophomore (class of 2011 ftw) at a public school in Pennsylvania</p>

<p>Going for these: Yale (EA), Penn, Harvard, Columbia, Dartmouth, Brown, UChicago
(eep. looks scary)</p>

<p>Asian Girl (wow, Asian from NE, could the odds be stacked against me more?)
GPA: 4.0 unweighted
GPA: 4.667 weighted (I'm pretty sure I'll graduate with a 4.73)
Rank: don't rank, but pretty sure I'm top 5/400
PSATs: 207
SATs: I'm predicting 2200-2300</p>

Straight As in major courses (all honors)
Latin II
Beginner Art
Orchestra (violin, oh my god I am so sterotypical)</p>

Straight As in major courses (all honors)
Latin III
Intermediate Art
Orchestra </p>

AP Chem
AP Euro
AP Calc AB
Honors Art
Honors Latin IV
Honors English

<p>APs Taken at Matriculation: USH, Euro, Gov, Chem, Calc AB, Calc BC, 2-D Art, British Lit, Latin Vergil
I'm expecting mostly 5s</p>

I am soooo worried about these, please give me advice on how to improve them!!</p>

<p>School Newspaper (copy editor -10, Editor in chief -11&12)
Internship at local newspaper publisher (9hrs/wk school- 10,11,12, prob 20hr/wk summer)
Art Club (VP-11, President-12)
Internship teaching kids art at local gallery (10)
Oil Painting Classes (2hr/wk, 101112)
Internship with local Obama Campaign office (105 hrs - 10)
Model UN (VP 11&12)
Junior Classical League(9101112)
Fashion Club (10)
AMC10 School Winner (9, sorry this is so lame)</p>

<p>I'm probably going to be in NHS and get some kind of PSAT regconization</p>

<p>Buuut...what do you guys think?
Thank you so much for reading this! I really appreciate it :)</p>


<p>You are certainly on the right track. I would recommend one thing. Involve yourself in some community EC’s on top of your school EC’s. It always helps doing an EC that is unique, makes you stand above the crowd.</p>

<p>If you are good at writing, submit to essay contests.</p>

<p>thank you john!</p>

<p>Definitely go for a safety, as you’re from one of the most competitive demographic groups on the planet.
And the last guy was right. What you have is really good, but going against the stereotype would help. Maybe you could use that as a topic.
And I wish my school had Latin instead of stupid French! Virgil rocks!</p>

<p>what do you mean, as a topic??</p>


<p>yeah, i am a sophomore.
thanks for pointing that out ;)</p>

i’m planning on submitting an art supplement
as i am pretty good
would this help me?</p>