rigor of AP courses

<p>Do what kind of AP courses you take affect how colleges look at the rigor of your schedule?</p>

<p>For example, would AP Studio Art or AP French look less rigorous than
AP Chemistry or AP Macro?</p>

<p>Others will correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that colleges consider some AP classes as AP Lite.</p>

<p>I think it’s important to take the harder AP classes if your high school offers them…such as:
AP Cal (one or both depending on what your school offers)
AP Chem
AP Bio
AP English (either one or both)
AP Euro, American, or both
any AP foreign language.</p>

<p>But…that’s just my opinion.</p>

<p>AP Lite…lol</p>

<p>Which AP is meaningful in your life depends on you. AP Art is not for the weak, any more than AP Chem is for the lazy. It is very difficult to get better than a 3 on the AP Studio Art portfolio. The scoring committee is very demanding. In our school district, students in the AP Art courses often repeat the courses, and submit a second portfolio after the second year of work. The few students I’ve known to score a 5 on the portfolio are the ones who really, truly, are headed into a BFA program at an art school. Everyone else is just delighted if they can manage a 4 and pick up some credits for college, or a 3 that might get them placed out of the beginning art course in college.</p>

<p>Whether the courses you take are difficult depends wholly on your school. AP Statistics is generally considered an easier AP course. Take a look at the AP Statistics thread in the AP TESTS forum - plenty of students have demanding teachers and tough coursework. There are certain courses that are considered easier (Psychology, Environmental Science, Human Geography, Statistics), and I think it would only be beneficial to combine those with courses that are generally considered more difficult (Chemistry, US History, Calculus BC). But like I said, it depends entirely on your school and your capabilities. AP Biology is tough, but if you’re a science whiz, it’s not going to be hard, is it? AP Chem is tough, but if you have a terrible teacher, it’s either going to be easier or tougher (class will be easier, test will be tougher).</p>