Rigorous High School courseload for aspiring poli-sci major...

<p>Sophomore year: AP Euro
Junior Year: AP US and AP Psych
Summer: Half semester of AP gov
Senior Year: AP Lit, AP Econ, AP Bio</p>

<p>Honors: Honors English 11, Honors Chem</p>

<p>Downside: Only getting through pre-calc where as kids usually get up through calc ab/bc</p>

<p>Is my lack of rigor in mathematics going to hurt my chance at a top LAC/University for poli-sci???</p>

<p>Hey, I’m in the same boat as you. I’m applying Poli-Sci and I’m only going to get through Precalculus in high school. I think the fact that we are showing a real interest in what we want to study is a huge plus. Sure, BC Calc would like nice, but the schedule that you have there looks pretty sound to me for top colleges.</p>

<p>It really depends on what is rigorous at your school. At my school that would be an average schedule but at some schools that’s the absolute hardest you offer. Missing calc doesn’t seem like a huge deal so long as your not planning on being a math major.</p>

<p>If you’re a junior right now, you could take precalc over the summer.</p>

<p>Would you consider taking AP Statistics instead of AP Bio? In my opinion, AP Stats is a better choice for you if you’re planning on applying as a Poly Sci Major.</p>

<p>Yes it will hurt, all top LACs don’t care about major and most top U’s don’t either save separate schools like engineering and business.</p>