Riots in France

<p>No, no one is trying to draw parallels. I'm just reminding you that that type of language, pinning the problem on one particular ethnic or religious group, by calling it a Muslim problem, or as 50 years again, the Jewish problem, is harmful and has lead to tragedy in the past. </p>

<p>There is no simple label you can put on the situation. I'm not Muslim but it just ticks me off when people say it's the "Muslim problem", like somehow all their problems are the fault of Muslim people.</p>

Secularism, after all, is a way of life just like religion is. Muslims, more than any other religious people, feel like their faith is under attack.


<p>My point exactly. If Muslims feel so insecure, isnt it the governments responsibility to make it LOUD AND CLEAR that Islam isnt under attack? No wonder why there isnt any riots in America.</p>

<p>And seth. I think you are exaggerating the "Muslim problem" a bit.</p>

<p>hmm, alright, but refer to post #38 for some clarification. CAlling this a "muslim problem" isn't an stab at muslims, or racial prejudice towards them. It's a simple acknowlegement that Muslims are a part of the overall problem. </p>

<p>I take you're really againt this War on Terror?</p>

<p>Some parts of it, yes.</p>

<p>"And seth. I think you are exaggerating the "Muslim problem" a bit."</p>

<p>Care to expound?</p>

It's a simple acknowlegement that Muslims are a part of the overall problem.


<p>Sorry if I havent made myself clear, but I do agree that Muslims are a part of this mess. But the government couldve prevented this from getting serious. With their dumb laws and immigration policies, no wonder why there is so much insecurity. </p>

<p>As for the terror question, I am against terrorism. But the "War on Terror" will be a failure in my opinions.</p>

<p>"Sorry if I havent made myself clear, but I do agree that Muslims are a part of this mess. But the government couldve prevented this from getting serious. With their dumb laws and immigration policies, no wonder why there is so much insecurity."</p>

<p>Your argument is still too vague. Yes, the gov't shouldn't have allowed so much immigration to happen so soon, but really, the easier solution would have been for the Muslims to at least try to blend in.</p>

<p>I mean, can you just imagine this great big international scandel over "barriers against Muslims"? Even with homeland security...</p>

How "integrate" is too ambiguous a term, I'll never know, but never mind that. Do you realize that the cause of these riots(that are now spreading to places outside of Paris) was caused precisely by Muslims' "unwillingness to give up their headscarves" and whatnot. You have to admit that those Muslims that immigrate to France in hopes finding freedom, peace, and economic opportunities to apply their entrepreneurial talents have a "responsibility" to at least attempt to comply with French culture.


<p>How ironic that these "poor Muslims" come to the great enlightened land of France for freedom, only to have the freedom of fashion taken away. I'd rather much appease, both politically and morally, the devoutly religious who wish to personally express their faith, than to the nitwit who is so appalled by the mere sight of it. This is not putting a crescent and a star on the Louvre or anything; this is simply about a Muslim wanting to wear what they feel is representative of their culture. You cannot draw parallels with other religious items like large crucifixes because unlike Christianity, Islam is under fire right now. And unlike Judaism, nobody has a guilt complex regarding Islam and Muslims.</p>

<p>Also, I think we have to address the economic undercurrent of these riots, not just the religious ones. From what I've heard, it's almost impossible to get fired in France, because of the legal hassle and the fact that it'd cost more to fire an employee than to retain his bad services. Thus the system naturally prevents minorities from gaining access to top level jobs because all the white French people have them.</p>

<p>excuse my use of the word problem. that was not what I meant to convey. I meant that the situation with Muslims in Europe is not under control. And that there is a "problem" to be seen in the future. It was not meant to be a stab at Muslims. I think the French are just as much in the wrong.</p>

<p>Oh Multiculturalism, How I was right. I hope Jean-Marie Le Pen gets into power.</p>