Risqué Audition Pieces??

I just finished my junior year in HS and am prepping for auditions next winter during the summer. I have my array of Shakespeare/Classical pieces pretty much selected, but I’m trying to round out my contemporary selections. I found a monologue that I love & find absolutely hilarious-- but it has a lot of dirty language and sexual themes.

I could probably censor the LANGUAGE aspect, but obviously can’t (and wouldn’t want to) change the theme of the piece. How many of you have seen success with more racy monologues? Are there any red-flag schools that would definitely not like a piece like this?

Many schools state to avoid explicit language on the audition details of their websites - you may want to read the audition details of the schools to which you are applying.

I wouldn’t. There will be plenty of time for racy monologues when you’re out in the world. You don’t want to make your auditors uncomfortable.