role of disability in admissions

<p>I've become aware that URM's gain a slight boost in admissions, as their racial status usually indicates a background bereft of many advantages and oppurtunities that most of us have.</p>

<p>I was wondering about the impact in admissions of a person having a disability - one who is blind, hearing impaired, limited mobility, etc. In the same way that URM indicates obstacles that the person had to overcome, would a person who has a disability recieve a similiar boost in the admissions process?</p>

<p>I have a friend who is a top notch student and applicant (4.0+, 2300+, outstanding EC's, etc), who also happens to have a disability; she use's a wheelchair.</p>

<p>I was wondering if this fact would have any impact on admissions, and give her the little boost she may need to stand out from all the other outstanding applicants. I also ask the same question in general for other major disabilities. </p>

<p>My logic tell's me the fact that an applicant has a disablity and had to face obstacles, like URM's, might affect the adcoms perspective on the applicants accomplishments. You guys agree? Disagree?</p>

<p>I hope so. I think that as long as you're not going to be a burden to the university (I don't think being in a wheelchair would count as being a burden, most places would probably have elevators or wheelchair ramps for her to use). It's a great essay topic too!</p>

<p>I basically have a dead right ear, but I play several instruments and have been involved in music since a young age.</p>

<p>Though I'm not sure how much of a 'hook' a physical disability is (and maybe someone can answer this for me!), I think your friend can definitely use this to her advantage in the college admissions process.</p>