Rolling Stone article on sexual assault at UVa

Police suspending, not closing, gang rape investigation at UVA.

Charlottesville Police found no evidence that a crime occurred, except that Jackie was upset that night. Everyone cooperated with the Police investigation, except Jackie. President Sullivan said that the police investigation showed that UVa had treated victims with a great deal of care and consideration. However, Jackie’s story to Roilling Stone was inconsistent with what she told UVa administrators and inconsistent with what she told her friends. President Sullivan said that UVa had not spoken out about inconsistencies in Jackie’s stories because of federal privacy laws.

Meanwhile, Rolling Stone has promised that they will print the investigation they authorized by the Columbia School of Journalism regarding Rolling Stone’s weak journalism.

I thought it was interesting that Chief Longo also made a point to say that the investigation could find no evidence that the alleged crime did not occur. To me that seems inconsistent with saying that they could find no evidence the alleged assault did occur. I guess it means they found no evidence at all, of anything.

Columbia Journalism School to hold press conference on Rolling Stone review. Report will be released on Easter Sunday.

Major ‘failures’ found in Rolling Stone’s ‘A Rape on Campus’